六月 コバヤン社より遠く花蓮港原野を望む景
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[英文]Kobayan also known as @Kubayan@ 古白楊 village and Kbayan.
六月 奇萊主南峰にて第三大隊發進に際し下士團の乾杯
Lafayette Digital Repository
七月 海抜一萬二千尺太魯閣大山頂に於ける討伐軍
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六月 コバヤン社より遠く花蓮港原野を望む景
Lafayette Digital Repository
七月 海抜一萬二千尺太魯閣大山頂上の景
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六月 ロゴオン社に於てバワワン蕃人の操縱の景
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]「バワワ蕃」is probably @バサワン (Basawan) @ as recorded by Mori Ushinosuke and @Bsawan@ in Xiulin County$s oral history collection.
五月 ボア─ルン西南マヘボ溪に於ける健兒の水浴
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[英文]The Mehabo Creek flows southeast from 廬山 and is today known as 馬海僕渓.
七月 太魯閣大山より遙かに新高の絶嶺を望む
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七月 討伐軍太魯大山踏破の途次寒竹中に休憩す
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Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Governor General Sakuma Samata served from 1906 through 1915.[日文]明治四十年一月一日台湾日日新報第弐千六百壱号付録
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]This is the @Aiyu-sen@ or the @guard path@ which was as the forward wedge in the war of conquest and dispossession of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples.
The Civil Administrators of Taiwan 1896-1906
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Pictured here are the first four Civil Governors of Taiwan under Japanese colonial rule: 水野遵 Mizuno Jun (1895-97); 曽根静雄 Sone Shizuo (1897); 後藤新平 G
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[英文]The westward moving forces in the battle against the Truku peoples, 1914.
八月 松山陵に於てタウサイ蕃の帰順式の光景
Lafayette Digital Repository
七月 討伐軍ルッピー渓通過の光景
Lafayette Digital Repository
八月 松山陵に於て始めて慰問に接し分配の光景
Lafayette Digital Repository
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]The word @haka@ 墓 is misspelled as 基 (moto) on the caption.
八月 中央山脈合歓山老松と討伐隊
Lafayette Digital Repository
八月 松山陵於けるタウサイ蕃の帰順式の景
Lafayette Digital Repository
八月 埔裡社分遣隊討伐戦死者追弔會の全景
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七月 太魯閣大山踏破の第一日キセリアン渓の宿営
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六月 奇萊主南峰宿營の遠望
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六月 ロゴオン社に於て糧食欠乏の為粟餅搗の景
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七月 太魯閣踏破第一日ペセリアン渓に至る途次
Lafayette Digital Repository