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[英文]The souvenir stamp is dated one year later than the printed date of the occasion for the card.
臺灣都督府始政第二十回紀念 北白川宮能久親王紀念碑 淡水溪鐵橋
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[英文]20th ANNIVERSARY OF THE CIVIL ADMINISTRATION IN FORMOSA 甲午戰後,日本派遣北白川宮能久親王率軍領臺,於明治28年(1895)5月於澳底登陸,並於登陸地設立登陸紀念碑。至光復後將原碑廢除,改建抗日紀念碑。
臺灣神社 官幣大社
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(臺灣)別格官幣 臺灣神社
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臨時臺灣戸口調査 第二回記念
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[英文]This postcard was published just after the change in postal regulations that permitted customers to write information other than addresses on the
漢堡-美洲公司*環遊世界 臺北
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[英文]on back, printed in green type: New York (Monday), March 31, 1930.
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五月 ボア─ルン宿營地全景
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[英文]ボア─ルン (Boārun) is also written as @Boaalon@ @Boalum@ and @Boarung@ in reference works about Indigenous Taiwan ethnology and history.
臺灣総督府 始政第十七回記念 能久親王殿下澚底禦露営 明治二十八年五月二十九日
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[英文]This famous photograph of Prince Kitashirakawa can be found in many forms throughout the colonial era.
(臺灣 蕃地 角板山)佐久間總督紀念碑 以及手推車
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[英文]@Trolleys were the basic vehicle of transportation in remote areas in Taiwan during the Qing Dynasty.
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[英文]There are typographical errors in this caption (for circumference and for lake).
六月 奇萊主西側中繼所の聯隊本部
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[英文]The place-name @Qilai Main Peak@ is usually written @奇萊主.@ On these postcards, a @grass radical@ has been added to the first character.
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[英文]In 1930, one Japanese source claimed that Taiwan had 716 @Aborigine training institutes@ 蕃童教育所.
六月 サカヘン社に於て佐藤將校斥候奮戰を望むの景
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[英文]Sakahen village is also known as Skahing (沙卡亨社). It was on the south bank of the Takkiri/Liwu/立霧 River.
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[英文]七脚川 or @Chikasowan@ (Qijiaochuan) was the site of heavy fighting between Japanese forces and Truku and Ami combatants in 1908.
七月 暴風雨の為流橋糧食輸送途絶し張網を以て僅かに糧食前送
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八月 松山陵に於てソワサツ蕃人探縦功を奏し其銃器買上の景
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[英文]The verb 操縦 (soujou) is misspelled as 探縦 on the caption for this card. It means @manage@ @control@ @handle.@
六月 奇萊主南峰露営を発す食糧輸送の景
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[英文]バトラン (Batoran) was a name given to both a settlement and a group settlements as a @tribe,@ also written as @Btulan@(蕃).
臺灣步兵第一連隊 (軍隊生活)野外演習戰鬥訓練
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臺灣軍司令部下轄兩個步聯隊,第一聯隊駐在臺北市旭町,即今臺北市中正紀念堂東側。[英文]Taiwan Army headquarters command two infantry regiments.
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[英文]15th ANNIVERSARY OF THE CIVIL ADMINISTRATION IN FORMOSA 本地圖標示出當時臺灣澎湖地區的郵局分佈地、官方與私設鐵道、燈塔、航線圖等。
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[英文]南進の拠点台湾 (The Southern Advance Stronghold Taiwan) is written on each card, suggesting that this series (2046-2050) was published in 1936 or later,
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[英文]祝辰巳(いわいたつみ、1868年2月-1908年5月25日. Iwai Tatsumi became Taiwan$s Civil Administrator in 1906.[日文]明治四十年一月一日台湾日日新報第弐千六百壱号付録