
The Womble Residence
The Womble Residence
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]The album page has a caption for records 179- ""Scene of the last Beach party in July of the $Business People$ of Taihoku--at the Womble
Largest Bhuddist Temple in Taiwan. Riuzanji
Largest Bhuddist Temple in Taiwan. Riuzanji
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]The large poster in front of the temple is a map of China right after the Japanese military occupied it most populous regions.
Ice cream shortage
Ice cream shortage
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Discussing whether we will have enough sugar to make ice cream--and then when we find we have- no milk can be bought and no one wants to take that
Donald and Mary Bews on trolley car in Kappanzan
Donald and Mary Bews on trolley car in Kappanzan
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Note the $sake$ 酒 sign on the rough-planked shop just off the tracks.Don & Mary Bews head Daisha Party out of Kappanzan Feb 1940
A day at the beach
A day at the beach
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]We all finally arrive at beach--and is it hot!!!! even though it is four in the afternoon--wouln$t come earlier--much too hot.
The Knight compound
The Knight compound
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Knights and Warners at the Knight house--they live upstairs, godowns are down stairs. The house is so weak that we never could dance.
Group Portrait and the British Consulate
Group Portrait and the British Consulate
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Tennis on Saturday afternoon at the British Consulate, Tamsui.
1928 Ford and a dog
1928 Ford and a dog
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Don Bews, Rella, John, Mary and Sylvia, Perro, Maxi, Aki & Arthur & Betty & I all went to Tamsui beach in the old trusty ichi-ban Feb-
View of Danshui river from balcony
View of Danshui river from balcony
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Dadaocheng 大稻程Tamsui river silhouetted in arch of Knight$s house in Daitotei with Arthur & Aki-san holding Betty 2674
Okadas and Warners at Lin Gardens
Okadas and Warners at Lin Gardens
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]All of us visit Lim gardens-one rainy day in February 1941-just before Rella and the children left for U.S.
Griffin and Stafford at the Consul's residence
Griffin and Stafford at the Consul's residence
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]This caption also describes gr0222.After all the other people left besides the British consul and wife, Griffin & Stafford were often at the h
Arthur Warner and Friends
Arthur Warner and Friends
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]2882 album 13Taibe, Betty, Masumi, Arthur after the trip to Urai, their father is Japanese, and their mother is Norwegian
Pat Pearson and footwear
Pat Pearson and footwear
Lafayette Digital Repository
[日文]Pat being fitted with a pair of Japanese sandals because of a sore heel.
Tom Womble, Donald Bews & Magarette Berger
Tom Womble, Donald Bews & Magarette Berger
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Nothing to do--very hot--perspiration actually poring off of us. Tom Womble, Dr. Donald Bews, Frau K & Magarette Berger. 2722
Consul Warner and Donald Bews having a drink
Consul Warner and Donald Bews having a drink
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Jerry and Don silhoutted sic on the veranda of the Japanese inn
Suspension bridge near Jiaobanshan
Suspension bridge near Jiaobanshan
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Dermot on Suspension Bridge
Rella Warner on Kappanzan Bridge
Rella Warner on Kappanzan Bridge
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Mommy getting along tolerably well 2656
Watching the festival from the Consulate
Watching the festival from the Consulate
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Arthur and Betty watching the crowds.
At the beach and under the clouds
At the beach and under the clouds
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Marie & Pero--John$s dogs--and Arthur keeping coal under the old beach umbrella much used in California.
Sukiyaki dinner at Kappanzan inn
Sukiyaki dinner at Kappanzan inn
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Mary Bews Rella Don Bews Lillian Knight John Hurden Don Knight the Madame at Kappanzan Inn Sukiyaki dinner 2665
Ikebana and girl's day dolls
Ikebana and girl's day dolls
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Dolls for girls day--just beginning a collection Flower arrangement for the day--March 3d
John Herder and Donald Knight reclining
John Herder and Donald Knight reclining
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]John Herder reading a month or two old magazine, Donald Knight bored--and Rella--just----anything. 2721
John Herder at the Knight's house
John Herder at the Knight's house
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Hi!! John Herder peeking from behind a pillar of the front porch 1941
Rella and Arthur Warner in Lin gardens
Rella and Arthur Warner in Lin gardens
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Rella and Arthur resting in one of the many shelters
