The Womble Residence
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[英文]The album page has a caption for records 179- ""Scene of the last Beach party in July of the $Business People$ of Taihoku--at the Womble
Largest Bhuddist Temple in Taiwan. Riuzanji
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]The large poster in front of the temple is a map of China right after the Japanese military occupied it most populous regions.
Ice cream shortage
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Discussing whether we will have enough sugar to make ice cream--and then when we find we have- no milk can be bought and no one wants to take that
Donald and Mary Bews on trolley car in Kappanzan
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Note the $sake$ 酒 sign on the rough-planked shop just off the tracks.Don & Mary Bews head Daisha Party out of Kappanzan Feb 1940
A day at the beach
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]We all finally arrive at beach--and is it hot!!!! even though it is four in the afternoon--wouln$t come earlier--much too hot.
The Knight compound
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Knights and Warners at the Knight house--they live upstairs, godowns are down stairs. The house is so weak that we never could dance.
Group Portrait and the British Consulate
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Tennis on Saturday afternoon at the British Consulate, Tamsui.
1928 Ford and a dog
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Don Bews, Rella, John, Mary and Sylvia, Perro, Maxi, Aki & Arthur & Betty & I all went to Tamsui beach in the old trusty ichi-ban Feb-
View of Danshui river from balcony
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[英文]Dadaocheng 大稻程Tamsui river silhouetted in arch of Knight$s house in Daitotei with Arthur & Aki-san holding Betty 2674
Okadas and Warners at Lin Gardens
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]All of us visit Lim gardens-one rainy day in February 1941-just before Rella and the children left for U.S.
Griffin and Stafford at the Consul's residence
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]This caption also describes gr0222.After all the other people left besides the British consul and wife, Griffin & Stafford were often at the h
Arthur Warner and Friends
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]2882 album 13Taibe, Betty, Masumi, Arthur after the trip to Urai, their father is Japanese, and their mother is Norwegian
Pat Pearson and footwear
Lafayette Digital Repository
[日文]Pat being fitted with a pair of Japanese sandals because of a sore heel.
Tom Womble, Donald Bews & Magarette Berger
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Nothing to do--very hot--perspiration actually poring off of us. Tom Womble, Dr. Donald Bews, Frau K & Magarette Berger. 2722
Consul Warner and Donald Bews having a drink
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Jerry and Don silhoutted sic on the veranda of the Japanese inn
Rella Warner on Kappanzan Bridge
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Mommy getting along tolerably well 2656
Watching the festival from the Consulate
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[英文]Arthur and Betty watching the crowds.
At the beach and under the clouds
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[英文]Marie & Pero--John$s dogs--and Arthur keeping coal under the old beach umbrella much used in California.
Sukiyaki dinner at Kappanzan inn
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Mary Bews Rella Don Bews Lillian Knight John Hurden Don Knight the Madame at Kappanzan Inn Sukiyaki dinner 2665
Ikebana and girl's day dolls
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Dolls for girls day--just beginning a collection Flower arrangement for the day--March 3d
John Herder and Donald Knight reclining
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]John Herder reading a month or two old magazine, Donald Knight bored--and Rella--just----anything. 2721
John Herder at the Knight's house
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Hi!! John Herder peeking from behind a pillar of the front porch 1941
Rella and Arthur Warner in Lin gardens
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Rella and Arthur resting in one of the many shelters