
畫面左側河谷上方款書「早春壬子年(1072)郭熙畫」,上鈐「郭熙筆」一印。郭熙,河陽溫縣人,活動於宋神宗朝(1067-1084),曾為朝廷官署內廷作畫,享年八十餘歲。 本幅為郭熙傳世的重要代表作,成功地於巨大山水構圖中展現春景生機。
Ramblers over a Winding Stream
Ramblers over a Winding Stream
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Magpies and Wild Rabbits
Magpies and Wild Rabbits
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Ten Thousand Li of the Yangzi
Ten Thousand Li of the Yangzi
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Flowering Plants
Flowering Plants
Cleveland Museum of Art
Painter and calligrapher Wu Rangzhi was also an expert in seal cutting.
Album of Seasonal Landscapes
Album of Seasonal Landscapes
Cleveland Museum of Art
Ink Plum
Ink Plum
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Rocks, Orchid, and Bamboo
Rocks, Orchid, and Bamboo
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Carrying a Qin on a Visit
Carrying a Qin on a Visit
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Miniature Album with Figures and Landscape
Miniature Album with Figures and Landscape
The Cleveland Museum of Art
A Hundred Sparrows in a Lofty Grove
A Hundred Sparrows in a Lofty Grove
The Cleveland Museum of Art
