
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Fan-shaped Album Painting
Fan-shaped Album Painting
The Cleveland Museum of Art
After the Banquet
After the Banquet
The Walters Art Museum
Paintings of flowers, vegetables, and insects were produced in China as early as the Song dynasty (960-1279), and a school of painters in Pi-ling, not
Mountain Landscape with Scholar in a Pavilion and Two Figures Approaching
Mountain Landscape with Scholar in a Pavilion and Two Figures Approaching
The Walters Art Museum
A sage and his servant make their way to a retreat in the mountains. Some of the sounds they hear come from the brook behind them.
The Orchid Pavilion Gathering
The Orchid Pavilion Gathering
The Walters Art Museum
In 353, forty-two high officials who were also poets gathered at the Orchid Pavilion to celebrate a spring festival.
Calligraphy in Running Style based on Wang Bo's Essay on Tengwang Pavilion
Calligraphy in Running Style based on Wang Bo's Essay on Tengwang Pavilion
The Cleveland Museum of Art
A member of the Donggo clan, Tiebao belonged to the Manchu Plain Yellow Banner army.
A Hundred Birds and the Three Friends
A Hundred Birds and the Three Friends
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Among the most talented court painters of the Ming dynasty (1368–1644), Bian Wenjin was known for harmoniously combining elegant calligraphic brushwor
Chung K'uei and a Procession of Demons
Chung K'uei and a Procession of Demons
The Walters Art Museum
The first paintings of Chung K'uei were executed in the 8th century, when the emperor called upon his court painter to depict a dream he had abou
The Nymph of the Lo River
The Nymph of the Lo River
The Walters Art Museum
A famous 4th-century poem describing the poet's vision of a river goddess has been written out in its entirety.
Mountain Landscape
Mountain Landscape
The Walters Art Museum
This is the countryside as it ought to be: at lower right a man sits on the riverbank grasping a fish, his sandals beside him; in the distance, boys r
Mountain Landscape
Mountain Landscape
The Walters Art Museum
The angular brush strokes and bold composition of this painting are hallmarks of the professional Zhe [Che] school painters.
Autumn Landscape in Blue-and-Green Style
Autumn Landscape in Blue-and-Green Style
The Walters Art Museum
Two sages cross a bridge. In the distance are an elaborate pavilion and a tall waterfall partially shrouded in mist.
Album of 16 Paintings
Album of 16 Paintings
The Walters Art Museum
This album of 16 paintings by artists active in Shanghai during the 1860s and 1870s is dedicated to the original owner, Mr. Xu Hongting.
Wang Xianzhi [Wang Hsien-Chih] and Two Wives Among Willows and Rocks
Wang Xianzhi [Wang Hsien-Chih] and Two Wives Among Willows and Rocks
The Walters Art Museum
A man in scholar's robes approaches two women--all of them unidentified, though one cataloguer thought they were a famous 4th-century calligraphe
Spring Morning at Dongting Lake
Spring Morning at Dongting Lake
The Walters Art Museum
A skillful but unidentifiable artist has evoked the style of a master of the Song [Sung] Dynasty.
Garden Recreations
Garden Recreations
The Walters Art Museum
In the yard, a boy lights a firecracker as others either make music or huddle together.
Barbarians and Envoys Bring Tribute to the Emperor
Barbarians and Envoys Bring Tribute to the Emperor
The Walters Art Museum
This handscroll, in the style of the 12th-13th century, is said to depict envoys from the territories around China's periphery bringing tribute t
