
臺灣名勝 (十二勝之一)北投溫泉
臺灣名勝 (十二勝之一)北投溫泉
Lafayette Digital Repository
(臺灣 蕃地 角板山)蕃婦用手紡織
(臺灣 蕃地 角板山)蕃婦用手紡織
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Caption: @Aborigine woman weaving by hand.@ Also see images 0001 0153 0210 0259 and 0292 for similar photos of cloth manufacture.
七月 ババカ社倉庫の景
七月 ババカ社倉庫の景
Lafayette Digital Repository
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]This picture is not directly connected to Taiwan. It is an example of a @Manchu@ female.[日文]北野商店発行
七月 ラピツト宿営地の平岡司令部
七月 ラピツト宿営地の平岡司令部
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]ラピツト Rapitto also known as @Rabito.@
嘉義飯店 久邇宮殿下紀念
嘉義飯店 久邇宮殿下紀念
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Prince Kuninomiya Kuniyoshio (1873-1929) was attacked with a knife by the Korean Cho Myon Ha (조명하) on May 14, 1928 during a royal inspection tour
Lafayette Digital Repository
Lafayette Digital Repository
攝影比賽二等獎 椰樹上的果實
攝影比賽二等獎 椰樹上的果實
Lafayette Digital Repository
Lafayette Digital Repository
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]The back of this postcard describes the Wushe Incident as having occurred in the previous year, meaning that this postcard was published in 1931.
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]@Shown is a Bunun family having dinner together.
七月 セラオカフに出発ソワサツ蕃征討に向う
七月 セラオカフに出発ソワサツ蕃征討に向う
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]ソワサン「蕃」probably refers to @Sowasal@
臺北禦旅館 臺北北投溫泉
臺北禦旅館 臺北北投溫泉
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]On April 16, 1923, the Crown Prince of Japan (who became the Emperor Hirohito in 1926), arrived in Taiwan for a 12-day Imperial Tour.
Lafayette Digital Repository
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]@A bearded old man resting under a tree. The cap he was wearing was part of the traditional apparel@ (Matsumoto 1990, p.
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]This same image, colorized, but with the Japanese caption cropped off, was still being reproduced and sold in Taiwan as late as December, 2007, un
Lafayette Digital Repository
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Gaoxiong censor$s stamp dated June 7, 1938 on back of card.[日文]車城より石門に至る途中にあり、幽邃の環境に恵まれ近代的旅館の設備整った明朗の泉郷である。 台湾高雄・四重渓温泉
臺灣博覽會 第一會場內的陸橋
臺灣博覽會 第一會場內的陸橋
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]From the 40th Anniversary of Japanese Rule in Taiwan Exhibition[日文]始政四十周年記念台湾博覧会
