
德客單詞對照辭典手稿-03 Manuscripts for the HAKKA-GERMAN DICTIONARY (03)
德客單詞對照辭典手稿-03 Manuscripts for the HAKKA-GERMAN DICTIONARY (03)
曾福全 Thomas Tsang
傳教士Klipper所主編的客語辭典手稿第三冊,內文以客語羅馬拼音單詞與德語相互對照The third volume of the Hakka Dictionary written in romanized Hakka and German, edited by Missioner G.
德客單詞對照辭典手稿-02 Manuscripts for the HAKKA-GERMAN DICTIONARY (02)
德客單詞對照辭典手稿-02 Manuscripts for the HAKKA-GERMAN DICTIONARY (02)
曾福全 Thomas Tsang
傳教士Klipper所主編的客語辭典手稿第三冊,內文以客語羅馬拼音單詞與德語相互對照The third volume of the Hakka Dictionary written in romanized Hakka and German, edited by Missioner G.
《頌主詩歌音調》1913年出版-02 Hakka-language HYMNAL COMPILATION, published in 1913 (02)
《頌主詩歌音調》1913年出版-02 Hakka-language HYMNAL COMPILATION, published in 1913 (02)
曾福全 Thomas Tsang
由廣東巴色巴陵禮賢會於1913年出版 The HYMNAL COMPILATION was published by the Kwang-tung Basel and Berlin Chinese Rhenish Church in 1913
《頌主詩歌音調》1913年出版-01 Hakka-language HYMNAL COMPILATION, published in 1913 (01)
《頌主詩歌音調》1913年出版-01 Hakka-language HYMNAL COMPILATION, published in 1913 (01)
曾福全 Thomas Tsang
由廣東巴色巴陵禮賢會於1913年出版The HYMNAL COMPILATION was published by the Kwang-tung Basel and Berlin Chinese Rhenish Church in 1913
客話讀本 Hakka readers
客話讀本 Hakka readers
曾福全 Thomas Tsang
中研院民族所博物館 Museum of the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica
這是塞恩樂團樂師於演奏時所穿戴的帽子。此帽為緬甸傳統音樂大師Kyaw Kyaw Naing來台演出(2013/9/13-15)所穿戴,於演出結束後贈送給捐贈者。 藏品編號:TP00382
Kyaw Kyaw Naing樂團招牌
Kyaw Kyaw Naing樂團招牌
中研院民族所博物館 Museum of the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica
由1970年代著名圍鼓手U Kyaw Nyunt製作。傳統樂團招牌為木製,此為金屬混木製品,其上標明樂團團長的名字。 藏品編號:TP00374
《新約全書》1931年版內頁3-3 Hakka-language version of The New Testament, 1931 Edition (03)
《新約全書》1931年版內頁3-3 Hakka-language version of The New Testament, 1931 Edition (03)
曾福全 Thomas Tsang
上海聖書公會出版Publisher: Shanghai sheng shu gong hui
《新約全書》1931年版 Hakka-language version of The New Testament, 1931 Edition
《新約全書》1931年版 Hakka-language version of The New Testament, 1931 Edition
曾福全 Thomas Tsang
上海聖書公會出版Publisher: Shanghai sheng shu gong hui
《新約全書》1931年版 Hakka-language version of The New Testament, 1931 Edition
《新約全書》1931年版 Hakka-language version of The New Testament, 1931 Edition
曾福全 Thomas Tsang
上海聖書公會出版Publisher: Shanghai sheng shu gong hui
傳教士生活用品 Personal accessories belonging to a missionary
傳教士生活用品 Personal accessories belonging to a missionary
曾福全 Thomas Tsang
共有刮鬍刀、領帶夾、袖扣(一對)、懷錶Included are a razor, tie clips, a pair of cufflinks, and a pocket watch.
早期領聖餐時用的聖杯和聖盤 Early types of communion cups and paten
早期領聖餐時用的聖杯和聖盤 Early types of communion cups and paten
馬來西亞基督教巴色會老山堂 BCCM Lau San
