
Fragments of a Lacquer Tray
Fragments of a Lacquer Tray
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Shakyamuni under the Bodhi Tree
Shakyamuni under the Bodhi Tree
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Shakyamuni (the historical Buddha) achieved enlightenment and became the Buddha while meditating under a bodhi tree.
Autumn Mist in the Countryside
Autumn Mist in the Countryside
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Water and Moon (Potala) Guanyin
Water and Moon (Potala) Guanyin
The Cleveland Museum of Art
The Water and Moon Guanyin is seated in the posture called "royal ease." His right leg is drawn up with folded knee; the left leg flexed.
Wine Vessel (Jia)
Wine Vessel (Jia)
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Jar with Crane and Willow in Relief
Jar with Crane and Willow in Relief
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Li Tieguai
Li Tieguai
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Plate with Grapes and Floral Sprays
Plate with Grapes and Floral Sprays
The Cleveland Museum of Art
This large platter with grape and floral decoration, which is different from the small stem cups decorated with dragons nearby, was made primarily for
Desk Album: Flower and Bird Paintings (Pinks)
Desk Album: Flower and Bird Paintings (Pinks)
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Stem Cup with Dragon Pursuing Flaming Jewel
Stem Cup with Dragon Pursuing Flaming Jewel
The Cleveland Museum of Art
The stem cup as a porcelain vessel shape was introduced to China by the Mongols from Northeast Asia when they ruled the country in the 14th century.
Guardian Lion
Guardian Lion
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Lion sculptures like this example are often found at the entrance to Buddhist temples in China.
