"Silence is the only music" was inspired by one of Xu Zhimo's (1896-1931) poems. The full sentence in the poem "Second farewell to Cambridge" reads as follows:I say nothing, silence is the only music to be heard when one departsI Interpreted the words into something more than a momentary departure. Zhimo's departure from a beloved place in my opinion has a more general meaning of autumn and, furthermore, of the autumn of life. So my piece is a little bit like Gustav Mahler's last song from "The Song of the Earth" - 'Farewell' , a music for someone departing forever. So the listener may either take the "stormy" passage in my piece literally as a description of autumn storms with hailing ripe fruits, branches and dead leaves, or in a more figurative sense as a death scene with light moments. But it is by no means a dramatic piece. More contemplative or meditative, my piece reflects upon something religious or transcendental.In accordance to old Chinese traditions I gave my piece a scale, which is a special one and which I invented and which I call an "Autumn-Scale" . Furthermore I would like to say that my music is as much European as it is not. I tried to find the right approach to Chinese "intonation" , and yet my music bears the signature of a Western composer.