Fisherman's Joy
Qian Gu,錢榖
The Cleveland Museum of Art
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The Severance and Greta Millikin Purchase Fund
(Gimpoh W. King, Cleveland)
Gimpoh W. King, Cleveland
Image: 31.4 x 355.2 公分 (12 3/8 x 139 13/16 英吋)
Overall: 37 x 989.4 公分 (14 9/16 x 389 1/2 英吋)
Artist's inscription, signature, and seal: On the autumn day of the jen-shen year [1572], P'eng-ch'eng, Ch'ien Ku painted [this]. [seal] Hsüan-ch'ing shih._x000D_
2 colophons, both dated 1689, and 5 additional seals of Yün Shou-p'ing (1633-1690).