(臺北)舊城 南門
[英文]The South gate (an old castle gate), Taihoku
[英文]The Taipei Castle was built after Taipei-fu 台北府 became an administrative unit in 1875. Construction began in 1878 and was completed in 1882. It measured 1248 meters east to west and 1030 meters north to south; it had five gates. The north gate was called Cheng$en 承恩, the grand south gate Qingzheng 庆正. The castle was constructed with a budget of 200,000 liang 两. Today, the castle walls have all been destroyed, except the one outside the western gate. The gate pictured here is the grand southern gate 大南门 (Nihon chiri taikei, p. 24). The famous Qing official Shen Baozhen 沈葆祯 proposed the location of the new capital, and Zhen Xin was put in charge of construction (Matsumoto 1990, p. 203). 南門,即麗正門,俗稱大南門,為臺北城之正門,形制與尺寸最為宏偉,所用石材來自大直一帶。麗正門石額四周採用螭龍圖案,與其它城門均不同,屋頂型製為四面屋坡的屋頂上,再加依層屋頂的「重簷歇山式」,顯得較為華麗壯觀。城樓正反面各有1圓2方的窗洞,以供防禦和監視,但面對城外的方形窗洞開口極長,凡是夜半遲歸者,必須由所謂「吊城」方式,由守城兵士以竹籃子吊上去,方得進城。如果有緊急事故,也可由這裡出入。民國54年(1965)由建築師黃寶瑜主持重建,惟基座與門洞保持原貌,位於今臺北市愛國西路與公園路口,為第一級古蹟。(參考資料:臺北市文化局網站,http://www.culture.gov.tw/sel1.htm) 南門是被城牆圍住的城內往城外通路之一,也是座富有臺灣情調的建築物。 English Translation: (NCL 002416283)
[日文]南門 城壁に囲まれた城内より城外に通る城門の一。台湾らしい 情趣を添へる建造物の一つです
1/2 divided back 郵便はがき
9公分 x 14公分