The Qingming [Ch'ing-ming] Festival
This is a copy of--or a variation upon--one of the most famous of all Chinese handscrolls, a depiction of life along the Yellow River in the Song-dynasty capital of Kaifeng, painted in 1120. During the time of the Qingming festival, which occurs in late March or early April, people visit their family graves. The painter Qiu Ying (1494-1552) made a copy of the original scroll, and a number of later versions bear his name. Spurious signature of Qiu Ying.
[Inscription] 清明上河圖 丙戌春三月榢翁題; [Signature] Spurious signature at end: Wu meng Qiu Ying zhi [Wu meng Ch'iu Ying chih] (Qiu Ying [Ch'iu Ying], 1494/1495-1552); [Seal] Spurious seal at end: Qiu Ying_yin [Ch'iu Ying_yin]; [Inscription] Frontispiece, in clerical script, by Chia Ong (unidentified), dated 3rd month, bingxu [ping hsu] (1945 (?)); [Inscription] Colophon, author unidentified.
Laurance and Isabel Roberts, New York, 1939, by purchase; Walters Art Museum, 1991, by gift.
高:255 1/16 × 寬:12 15/16 英吋 (647.8 × 32.8 公分); 紙高:11 1/2 × 長:47 3/8 英吋 (29.2 × 120.3 公分); 文字段落高:12 1/16 × 長:19 3/8 英吋 (30.6 × 49.2 公分)