Paul D. Barclay
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Numai Tetsutaro$s 沼井鉄太郎 1930 translated description: @Yulong Falls is the most famous waterfall on the ascent of Yushan 玉山 mountain on the road from Tonpo トンポ [東埔] to Batongguan 八通関. The source of the falls issues from Gundai Mountain 郡大山. The upper level is 180 ft., the lower level is 200 ft. in height. The bridge built between these two levels is called Lingyun/Ryo$un Bridge 綾雲橋. In the summertime mountaineers find this beautiful view breath-taking, and take a rest to be immersed in its awe-inspiring, sacred atmosphere@(Nihon chiri taikei 1930, p. 106).