
Hualong Ln., 埔里鎮成功里 - Headwaters of the river
Hualong Ln., 埔里鎮成功里 - Headwaters of the river
Internet Archive
Cicada sounds, Bird sounds,stream, Headwaters of the river,Best with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the volume ,Zoom H2n MS+XY ( SoundMap20160608-23)
員山公園,Yuanshan Township - The sound of water
員山公園,Yuanshan Township - The sound of water
Internet Archive
In the Park,The sound of waterBinaural recordings ,Best with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the volume ,Sony PCM D50+ Soundman OKM II ( SoundMap201407
南濱公園, Hualien City - Sound of the waves
南濱公園, Hualien City - Sound of the waves
Internet Archive
Sound of the waves,There are large cargo ships on the seaBest with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the volume ,Zoom H2n MS+ XY( SoundMap20140828-75) ,
南田海岸親水公園,達仁鄉 - Sound of the waves
南田海岸親水公園,達仁鄉 - Sound of the waves
Internet Archive
Sound of the waves,Rolling stones,,Best with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the volume ,Zoom H2n MS+XY ( SoundMap20180323-21) , recorded by Wu,Tsan-Ch
河溝尾,Taimali Township, Taitung County - sound of the waves
河溝尾,Taimali Township, Taitung County - sound of the waves
Internet Archive
Sound of the waves,on the beach,Binaural recordings ,Best with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the volume , Sony PCM D100+ Soundman OKM II ( SoundMap20
五結鄉季新村, Yilan County - Sound of the waves
五結鄉季新村, Yilan County - Sound of the waves
Internet Archive
Hot weather , In the beach ,Sound of the wavesBinaural recordings ,Best with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the volume ,Zoom H6 MS+ Rode NT4( SoundMap
中路坑,埔里鎮桃米里 - Sound of insects and Frogs
中路坑,埔里鎮桃米里 - Sound of insects and Frogs
Internet Archive
Sound of insects, Frogs chirping ,Faced woods,Best with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the volume ,Zoom H2n MS+XY ( SoundMap20160517-9) , recorded by
Odeonplatz,Munich - Sitting in front of the coffee shop
Odeonplatz,Munich - Sitting in front of the coffee shop
Internet Archive
Sitting in front of the coffee shop,Footsteps ,Traffic Sound ,Birdsong Binaural recordings ,Best with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the volume ,Sony
義勇廟,Xinpu Township - In the square of the temple
義勇廟,Xinpu Township - In the square of the temple
Internet Archive
In the square of the temple,Hakka Opera,Binaural recordings ,Best with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the volume , Sony PCM D100+ Soundman OKM II ( So
津板路, Nangan Township - sound of the waves
津板路, Nangan Township - sound of the waves
Internet Archive
sound of the waves, Birdsong Binaural recordings ,Best with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the volume ,Sony PCM D100+ Soundman OKM II ( SoundMap201410
銅鑼鄉119縣道,Miaoli County - A variety of birds call
銅鑼鄉119縣道,Miaoli County - A variety of birds call
Internet Archive
A variety of birds call,traffic sound, Binaural recordings ,Best with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the volume , Sony PCM D100+ Soundman OKM II ( Sou
Penglai Park,Shanghai - playing cards
Penglai Park,Shanghai - playing cards
Internet Archive
Very cold weather,Many people gathered in the square park,Group of a group of people gathered together playing cards, Binaural recording,Best with the
種瓜坑溪,埔里鎮成功里,Taiwan - sound of the stream
種瓜坑溪,埔里鎮成功里,Taiwan - sound of the stream
Internet Archive
The sound of the stream, Best with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the volume ,Zoom H2n MS+XY +Spatial audio ( SoundMap20160727-7) , recorded by Wu,Tsa
Zhong Lu Keng River, 桃米里,Puli Township - sound of water streams
Zhong Lu Keng River, 桃米里,Puli Township - sound of water streams
Internet Archive
Streams and birdsong, The sound of water streams, ,, Best with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the volume ,Zoom H2n MS+XY ( SoundMap20150826-26) , reco
中澳沙灘, Hsiao Liouciou Island - The sound of waves
中澳沙灘, Hsiao Liouciou Island - The sound of waves
Internet Archive
Small beach, The sound of waves and tides, Yacht whistle soundBest with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the volume ,Zoom H2n MS +XY ( SoundMap20141101-
東衛里, Magong City - in front of the temple
東衛里, Magong City - in front of the temple
Internet Archive
In the square, in front of the temple, Traffic Sound, Birds singingBinaural recordings ,Best with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the volume ,Sony PCM
旗津海水浴場, Kaohsiung City - Sound of the waves
旗津海水浴場, Kaohsiung City - Sound of the waves
Internet Archive
At the beach,Sound of the waves,birds sound, ,Best with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the volume ,Zoom H2n MS+ XY ( SoundMap20180509-2) , recorded by
Taomi River, Puli Township, Taiwan - sound of water streams
Taomi River, Puli Township, Taiwan - sound of water streams
Internet Archive
Early morning, Bird calls ,sound of water streams,Crowing sounds, ,Best with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the volume ,Zoom H2n MS+XY ( SoundMap20150
五福橋,五結鄉利澤村 - Night of farmland
五福橋,五結鄉利澤村 - Night of farmland
Internet Archive
Night of farmland,Traffic Sound ,Birds ,Frogs,Best with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the volume ,Zoom H6 MS+ Rode NT4( SoundMap20140728-56) , record
Ji'an Township,Hualien County - After the accident
Ji'an Township,Hualien County - After the accident
Internet Archive
Interior of the case ,The dialogue between the passenger ,Train message broadcasting ,This recording is only part of the interceptionTrain Parking, Bi
頭城鎮大里里,Yilan County - sound of the waves
頭城鎮大里里,Yilan County - sound of the waves
Internet Archive
Sound of the waves Binaural recordings ,Best with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the volume ,Zoom H6 MS mic + Rode NT4( SoundMap20140721-37) , recorde
福州山公園, Taipei City, Taiwan - Sound of insects
福州山公園, Taipei City, Taiwan - Sound of insects
Internet Archive
In the park ,Sound of insects , Frog sound ,Best with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the volume ,Zoom H2n MS+XY( SoundMap20150705-17) , recorded by Wu
Guanxi Service Area,Hsinchu County - Sitting inside seating area
Guanxi Service Area,Hsinchu County - Sitting inside seating area
Internet Archive
Sitting inside seating area,Shopping street sounds,The sound of the crowd,walking out of the rest area, Binaural recording,Best with the Headphone ,Zo
金沙灣海濱公園,Gongliao District - Sound of the waves
金沙灣海濱公園,Gongliao District - Sound of the waves
Internet Archive
in Waterfront Park,Sound of the wavesBinaural recordings ,Best with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the volume ,Zoom H6 XY mic+ Rode NT4( SoundMap20140
