臺灣蕃人風俗集 高級天然色板
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[英文]This set probably contained 14 cards: wa0175;lw0001;lw0003-lw0007;lw0013;lw0015;lw0016;lw0022;lw0034;lw0091;wa0191;wa0233 A permit for issuing the
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Has the same sets of cards listed on back as lw0520 with the exception of 台湾美人 一集 and 台湾だより 二集.
臺灣明信片 (生蕃)
Lafayette Digital Repository
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]This packet of cards commemorates a visit of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples to Japan on @a learning tour@.
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Feb 13 1940 Takao Port Authority permit, April 18, 1941 postmark. This packet was mailed from Gaoxiong to Nagoya.
Lafayette Digital Repository
原色版 種族別 臺灣高砂族
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]This appears to be a set of postcards issued for an exhibition to commemorate the building of Hakata Harbor.[日文]博多築港博 蕃人高砂館
蕃界秘境 角板山の風景
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]The back of this envelope contains a long quotation from the 日本地理風俗大系 (Outline of Japan$s Cultural Geography), which was published in June, 1931.
Lafayette Digital Repository
臺灣國家公園協會 (臺灣總督府內務局內)
Lafayette Digital Repository
高級天然色 臺灣情調
Lafayette Digital Repository
Lafayette Digital Repository
Map of Taiwan and surrounding areas
Lafayette Digital Repository