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[英文]The souvenir stamp is dated one year later than the printed date of the occasion for the card.
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[英文]Sakaemachi Street 栄町通り is pictured often in Japanese albums and postcards as an example of Taipei$s lively atmosphere and its hospitable condition
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[英文]Translated caption: @Elder chief of the Atayal tribe. Though he is aged, the sturdy man is very hale and hearty.
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[英文]Same structure and camera angle as wa0253, but with tourists carrying umbrellas in front.
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[英文]20th ANNIVERSARY OF THE CIVIL ADMINISTRATION IN FORMOSA 「現今ノ西門街通」即1915年的衡陽路西段。「二十年前ノ臺北西門街通」,即為1895年日本據臺之初的西門街,仍為今之衡陽路靠近西門那一段。
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[英文]@Of all the remaining fort gates in Tainan, Big South Gate 大南門 (Ningnanmen) 宁南门 was the largest.
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[英文]Translated title from National Central Library Taiwan, @Taiwan Memory@ site: (高雄名勝)在高雄港碼頭搬運豆粕的苦力 高雄港原名打狗港,清代時已是鳳山縣最大的漁商兩用港口。
臺灣都督府始政第二十回紀念 北白川宮能久親王紀念碑 淡水溪鐵橋
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[英文]20th ANNIVERSARY OF THE CIVIL ADMINISTRATION IN FORMOSA 甲午戰後,日本派遣北白川宮能久親王率軍領臺,於明治28年(1895)5月於澳底登陸,並於登陸地設立登陸紀念碑。至光復後將原碑廢除,改建抗日紀念碑。
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(臺北)舊城 南門
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[英文]The Taipei Castle was built after Taipei-fu 台北府 became an administrative unit in 1875. Construction began in 1878 and was completed in 1882.
臺灣風景 台南赤崁樓
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照片中街景應為今鼓山區臨海一路,右側近處建築為臺灣商工銀行,右側遠處二層樓建築為山形屋,遠方丘陵地為淨水地(自來水水源),左側有圓塔建築為臺灣銀行高雄支店。 臺灣商工銀行於明治43年(1910)在阿緱街(今屏東)成立,為日資銀行。
(臺北)臺灣總督府(正中), 交通局通信部(右方), 臺灣電力株式會社(左方)
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(臺北)臺灣總督府、交通局遞信部(右方)、臺灣電力株式會社(左方) 交通局遞信部在總督府後面,現為交通部所在;左邊的臺灣電力株式會社已毁於戰火中,原為土木部。 本張照片是由今長沙街拍攝總督府後方,右側建築為交通局遞信部、左側建築為臺灣電力株式會社。
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[英文]Matsumoto (1990) writes: @Fan and Xie were the indispensable figures in the parade@ (p. 412).
臺灣 日月潭裡的竹筏與四手網
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畫家署名為S. MISAKO. 1939。 四手網即四手吊網,又稱作「罾」,據傳是習自漢人的捕魚法。其構造乃在竹筏上建有拱形小屋,筏前有一大網。筏用二十多根的大竹編成,其上的拱形小屋並可覆蓋茅草。筏前之網甚大,寬達三丈餘,張網之杆長約四、五公尺,提網之杆又倍之。
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[英文]The title should read, @71 The Remains of the old fortress at Takao@ 旗後砲臺建於清代,初建年代不詳,至同治13年(1874)日軍因牡丹社事件侵臺後,沈葆禎來臺加強海防,先後派准軍統令唐定奎、副將王福祿督造旗後、港口砲臺二處
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[英文]This photo was taken on October, 1914 by Mori Ushinosuke.
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[英文]Lee (1996) translates 藝姐 as @Geisha@ (not Singer as in the caption), writing, @the Jiangshan Pavilion 江山楼 in Taipei$s Dadaocheng 大稻埕 district was
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[英文]In the background is a tagakal, or resting platform (see 0018).
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[英文]The title should read, @New building of the Taiwan government, Formosa (1)@ 臺灣總督府由長野宇平治、森山松之助設計,於大正8年(1919)落成,主體平面呈「日」字形,為五層樓建築物,立面充滿文藝復興時期特色。
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[英文]@When this bridge was built in March, 1921, it was located at the boundary between Taipei and Hualian Prefectures.
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[英文]Translated Japanese caption: @Sakaemachi is Taipei$s liveliest district, but looks forlorn on a rainy late evening, when only the colored lights a
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[英文]Translated Japanese caption: these @masked likenesses of Generals Fan 范将軍 and Xie 謝将軍 appear in Taiwanese festival processions.
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[英文]A very similar scene, with same style palanquin along the same road, but with different carriers, is pictured in @Taiwan shashin taikan@ image 68.