(臺北)臺灣總督府(正中), 交通局通信部(右方), 臺灣電力株式會社(左方)
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(臺北)臺灣總督府、交通局遞信部(右方)、臺灣電力株式會社(左方) 交通局遞信部在總督府後面,現為交通部所在;左邊的臺灣電力株式會社已毁於戰火中,原為土木部。 本張照片是由今長沙街拍攝總督府後方,右側建築為交通局遞信部、左側建築為臺灣電力株式會社。
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[英文]Caption (translated): @Taiwan is divided into five provinces (shu 州) and three districts (cho 庁).
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[英文]Same structure and camera angle as wa0253, but with tourists carrying umbrellas in front.
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[英文]@Of all the remaining fort gates in Tainan, Big South Gate 大南門 (Ningnanmen) 宁南门 was the largest.
(臺北)舊城 南門
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[英文]The Taipei Castle was built after Taipei-fu 台北府 became an administrative unit in 1875. Construction began in 1878 and was completed in 1882.
臺灣風景 台南赤崁樓
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[英文]The Beigang Chaotian Gong 北港朝天宮 is one of 100s of Taiwanese temples dedicated to the goddess Mazu 媽祖, a protector of sailors and fishermen, and th
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[英文]One of the officially proclaimed @Eight Sights of Taiwan@ during Japanese colonial rule, Ouluanbi Oluanpi 鸥銮鼻 @is located at the southern-most tip
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[英文]The title should read, @New building of the Taiwan government, Formosa (1)@ 臺灣總督府由長野宇平治、森山松之助設計,於大正8年(1919)落成,主體平面呈「日」字形,為五層樓建築物,立面充滿文藝復興時期特色。
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[英文]The title should read, @71 The Remains of the old fortress at Takao@ 旗後砲臺建於清代,初建年代不詳,至同治13年(1874)日軍因牡丹社事件侵臺後,沈葆禎來臺加強海防,先後派准軍統令唐定奎、副將王福祿督造旗後、港口砲臺二處
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[英文]Residence of the Governor General 臺灣總督官邸位於東門內,初建於明治34年(1901),大正10年(1921)大修,屋架採鋼骨,為後期文藝復興式建築,建築設計出自多人之手,初期由福田東吾及野村一郎設計,後來由森山松之助主持改築,八板志賀助亦參與之。
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[英文]This plaza with housing was featured as an example of authentic southern Aborigine architecture in tourist literature and postcards.
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[英文]Saisiat male seated under granary, bamboo construction, raised on posts with rat guards. Seated man is weaving a basket.
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[英文]Yao Tsun Hsiung wrote that @this iconic symbol of political authority was used to convey the significance of Japanese colonial rule over Taiwan.
(臺灣)臺北 臺灣總督府
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[英文]The new governor$s office was planned during the administration of Sakuma Samata (1906-1915) and constructed between 1912 and 1919 at a cost of 2,
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[英文]The Longshan temple is located in the center of Wanhua$s 萬華 Longshan district, Taipei. Built in Qianlong 3 (1738), it is Taipei$s oldest temple.
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[英文]The title should read, @Complete view of the new government building, Formosa@ 臺灣總督府由長野宇平治、森山松之助設計,於大正8年(1919)落成,主體平面呈「日」字形,為五層樓建築物,立面充滿文藝復興時期特色。
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Tainan Chikanlou tower. 赤崁樓原為荷蘭人於1652年所建,當時稱為「普羅民西亞城」(又譯作「普羅民遮城」),為荷蘭人商業行政中心,與當時的熱蘭遮城互為犄角控制臺南內海。至明鄭時期,亦曾改赤崁為東都明京。
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[英文]Restored southern main gate 大南門 of Tainan fortress 台南城, known as Taiwan-fu 台湾府 during the Qing period.
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[英文]According the back of this photo, @a famous example of Aborigine housing in Pingdong County.@ Yamazaki$s 1934 description translated of the exact
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[英文]The Longshan temple is located in the center of Wanhua$s 萬華 Longshan district, Taipei. Built in Qianlong 3 (1738), it is Taipei$s oldest temple.
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[英文]Lion$s Head Mountain, or Shitoushan 獅頭山, Nanzhuang township, Xinzhu prefecture.
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[英文]@The scale of this architecture was second only to the Taiwanese Governor$s Governor$s Office in Taipei.