(臺灣蕃地風俗)施武郡的布農族獵人, 山羊, 玉米
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[英文]According to Masagseg Jingror: @Isibukun 施武郡 Bunun grow grain crops and sweet potatoes as their main food.
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[英文]This photo was also reproduced under the @Taiwan Historical Postcards Series@ imprint, with the Japanese caption cropped off.
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[英文]@A member of the palmacious family, betel trees originated in the Malay archipelago.
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[英文]This photo was also reproduced under the @Taiwan Historical Postcards Series@ imprint, with the Japanese caption cropped off.
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[英文]Ami men using wooden-wheeled plows with oxen to till fields.[日文]アミ族蕃人の耕作 蕃人の耕作は従来土地所有?が明?でなく、空き地を?見次第耕作したのであるが、近来環境に目覚めてき来て、近々集約的に耕作を行ふ様になつた。
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[英文]Yao Tsun Hsiung writes, @Since the basic policy of Taiwan$s Japanese rulers could be summed up as $industrial Japan, agricultural Taiwan,$ it come
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[英文]The English title of this card employs the word $Savage$ though the Japanese title uses the word $Taiwanese,$ (often translated as $native.$)thus
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[英文]@During the Japanese era 1895-1945, the Japanese rulers encouraged the cultivation of bananas, which they found to be sweet and delicious.
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[英文]Japanese government tourism pamphlet: @Orange cultivation has gradually become active.
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[英文]Called @Sugar apple@ in English, and @Buddha$s head@ 釈迦頭 or @barbarian litchi/lichee@ 蕃荔枝, or @barbarian pear@ 蕃梨, this fruit came to Taiwan durin
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[英文]This photo was also reproduced under the @Taiwan Historical Postcards Series@ imprint, with the Japanese caption cropped off.
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[英文]Pineapple plantations are documented in Taiwan as early as the Wanli period (1573-1620).
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[英文]The caption on the back of this card praises Taiwan$s Aborigines for leaving their $traditions$ behind and taking to settled agriculture.
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[英文]Yao Tsun Hsiung writes, @Many of the tropical fruits, plants, and flowers found in Taiwan but absent in Japan frequently turn up in contemporary o
臺灣の産業 稲の収穫、甘藷の運搬、茶園、樟脳精製所
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[英文]This is one of two cards issued on the 15th anniversary of the Taiwan Government General (issued on 1910.06.17).