
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]The old tomb for the 54 slain Ryukyuan islanders, built by order of Commander Saigo Tsugumichi in 1874, was refurbished and given a new pedestal i
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]This is a portrait of Pazzeh Watan/Pazzeh Nahe (ca. 1880-ca. 1910), daughter of Watan Yura, a headman of Wulai.
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]The caption considers these to be @Wife and husband@ but the photographs were taken in different locations; the woman in 1906 and the man in 1914.
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]南進の拠点台湾 (The Southern Advance Stronghold Taiwan) is written on each card, suggesting that this series (2046-2050) was published in 1936 or later,
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]南進の拠点台湾 (The Southern Advance Stronghold Taiwan) is written on each card, suggesting that this series (2046-2050) was published in 1936 or later,
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]南進の拠点台湾 (The Southern Advance Stronghold Taiwan) is written on each card, suggesting that this series (2046-2050) was published in 1936 or later,
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]祝辰巳(いわいたつみ、1868年2月-1908年5月25日. Iwai Tatsumi became Taiwan$s Civil Administrator in 1906.[日文]明治四十年一月一日台湾日日新報第弐千六百壱号付録
深坑 ウライ社蕃婦織布 タイヤル族
深坑 ウライ社蕃婦織布 タイヤル族
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]For a detailed discussion of this well circulated photograph, see: Paul D.
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Sichongxi, or @Fourth Junction Creek@ is near Stone Gate (Shimen), site of a May 22, 1874 battle between Japanese and Paiwan forces.
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]南進の拠点台湾 (The Southern Advance Stronghold Taiwan) is written on each card, suggesting that this series (2046-2050) was published in 1936 or later,
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Governor General Sakuma Samata served from 1906 through 1915.[日文]明治四十年一月一日台湾日日新報第弐千六百壱号付録
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]The westward moving forces in the battle against the Truku peoples, 1914.
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]The westward moving forces in the battle against the Truku peoples, 1914.
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]A play set in the control station of the guardline; the Chinese solider is asleep leaning on his gun and the Japanese policemen are enjoying glass
文化と躍進の臺灣 南の守護島 三井館 朝鮮館 第二府県館 台南銀座通り
文化と躍進の臺灣 南の守護島 三井館 朝鮮館 第二府県館 台南銀座通り
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]The images ip1835-1839 date to the 1935 (10.10~11.28) Taiwan Expo held in Taipei.
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]The Japanese flag in this picture is a relic of the diplomacy of 1874, during the Japanese Expedition to the Hengchun peninsula. See Paul D.
臺灣 南投庁ホリ社蕃人頭目夫婦
臺灣 南投庁ホリ社蕃人頭目夫婦
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]This is a photograph of Bato Watan, a headman near Wulai, of Raho.
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]The Japanese hired Indigenous Peoples frequently to fight wars in the mountains of Taiwan.
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]These men fought on the Japanese guard line as mercenaries against other Atayal men in the 1904-1906 period.
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]This troops are probably carrying provisions and materiel to the front for the 1914 campaign against the Truku peoples between Wushe and Hualian;
(臺灣蕃地 角板山)蕃人と蕃社の風光
(臺灣蕃地 角板山)蕃人と蕃社の風光
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Mt. Kappan (Jiaobanshan) was a popular Japanese tourist resort.
文化と躍進の臺灣 南の守護島 臺灣神社 電気館 東京館 大阪館
文化と躍進の臺灣 南の守護島 臺灣神社 電気館 東京館 大阪館
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]The images ip1835-1839 date to the 1935 (10.10~11.28) Taiwan Expo held in Taipei.
文化と躍進の臺灣 南の守護島 臺北龍山寺 愛知名古屋館
文化と躍進の臺灣 南の守護島 臺北龍山寺 愛知名古屋館
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]The images ip1835-1839 date to the 1935 (10.10~11.28) Taiwan Expo held in Taipei.
