
The Qingming [Ch'ing-ming] Festival
The Qingming [Ch'ing-ming] Festival
The Walters Art Museum
This is a copy of--or a variation upon--one of the most famous of all Chinese handscrolls, a depiction of life along the Yellow River in the Song-dyna
The Chinese Monk Budai
The Chinese Monk Budai
The Walters Art Museum
This rubbing is of an engraving at Shaolin Temple in the Shantung province.
The Walters Art Museum
Jin Liying [Chin Li-ying] writes on her image of delicately rendered orchids that she has difficulty painting this subject, because her mind is consum
Mirror with Intertwined Serpents
Mirror with Intertwined Serpents
The Walters Art Museum
Circulation of ch'i (breath)
Circulation of ch'i (breath)
The Walters Art Museum
This is a Taoist depiction of the circulation of "chi" (inner breath) taken from a plank in the White Cloud Taoist Temple in Beijing.
Mirror with the Character Mountain in the Four Directions
Mirror with the Character Mountain in the Four Directions
The Walters Art Museum
This mirror is decorated with four images of the characeter "shan" or mountain arranged so that they mark the four cardinal directions.
Mirror with Dragon
Mirror with Dragon
The Walters Art Museum