
臺灣蕃族連杯 パイワン族
臺灣蕃族連杯 パイワン族
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[英文]杉山寿栄男(1885-1946年) was a designer who studied and collected Ainu and Jomon period materials and advocated the use of @primitive design.@ Several po
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[英文]The man seated in the lower-right section of this photograph, in front of the corner vertical beam of log house, is also pictured in lw0050.
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[英文]Coconut trees were icons of Taiwan for Japanese in colonial times, and the repeated use of the motif on all manner of publications demonstrates.
1907 Name-change of the Taiwan Society Training Institute
1907 Name-change of the Taiwan Society Training Institute
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]This card announces the change of name for the @Taiwan Society Training Institute@ 台湾協会専門学校 to the @East Asia Society Training Institute@ 東洋協会専門学校
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[英文]Yao Tsun Hsiung writes, @Many of the tropical fruits, plants, and flowers found in Taiwan but absent in Japan frequently turn up in contemporary o
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[英文]Chinese name: 柚子 (Chung 1997, p. 67).
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[英文]The Japanese flag in this picture is a relic of the diplomacy of 1874, during the Japanese Expedition to the Hengchun peninsula. See Paul D.
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[英文]This is the @Aiyu-sen@ or the @guard path@ which was as the forward wedge in the war of conquest and dispossession of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples.
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]The title should read, @Street-traders of fruits habitually seen at the port, Kiirun of Formosa.@
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[英文]This card almost identical to lw0085 except here the titles are printed on the back instead of the front; and, there is a series number $131$ in f
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[英文]@Wu Feng@ is a semi-legendary figure who supposedly sacrificed his life to stop certain groups of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples to cease head-hunting.
深坑ウライ社蕃婦織布 タイヤル族
深坑ウライ社蕃婦織布 タイヤル族
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]A photograph of this same scene, but an alternative take, is facing page 92 of 『 臺灣寫真帖 』臺灣總督府官房文書課 1908; three of the women in this photo also app
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[英文]The men and women in this portrait are identified as Indigenous People in the caption, but their clothing does not mark them as members of any spe
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[英文]From cf0093: @The irrigation work here is of the largest scale in the Orient, which being completed in 1930, is fully irrigating all over this pro
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]At least three of the people in this photo are also present in lw0073; the man in the center of each photo is certainly the same person.
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]wa0213 is an updated version of this card, produced by Seibanya shoten$s successor company, Seibanya honten.
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[英文]Translated Japanese caption reads: @The beautiful view of Chikanlou Hall speaks to a deep sense of history.@
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[英文]Jiayi prefecture. Mt. Jade 玉山 viewed from Mt. Ali. Mt.
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[英文]The westward moving forces in the battle against the Truku peoples, 1914.
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[英文]The Japanese hired Indigenous Peoples frequently to fight wars in the mountains of Taiwan.
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[英文]The westward moving forces in the battle against the Truku peoples, 1914.
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[英文]A play set in the control station of the guardline; the Chinese solider is asleep leaning on his gun and the Japanese policemen are enjoying glass
六月 ロゴオン社西方高地の守備
六月 ロゴオン社西方高地の守備
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