(臺灣蕃地風俗)施武郡的布農族獵人, 山羊, 玉米
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[英文]According to Masagseg Jingror: @Isibukun 施武郡 Bunun grow grain crops and sweet potatoes as their main food.
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[英文]According to Omi Wilang: @One week after a son was born, his disconnected umbilical cord was placed in a rattan hunting box, and the whole family
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[英文]This photo was also reproduced under the @Taiwan Historical Postcards Series@ imprint, with the Japanese caption cropped off.
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[英文]Translated Japanese caption: @A family unit enjoying a meal (Paiwan tribe).@ Kunanau village, Gaoxiong. H.
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[英文]@Water buffalo have long been very popular in Taiwan. Farmers used water buffalo to help carry heavy loads and till the soil.
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[英文]Yao Tsun Hsiung writes, @Since the basic policy of Taiwan$s Japanese rulers could be summed up as $industrial Japan, agricultural Taiwan,$ it come
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Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Saisiat men with spears, machetes, guns and hunting dogs. H. Suzuki places these men in Taiai village, Xinzhu prefecture (1935, p. 29).
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Lafayette Digital Repository
Lafayette Digital Repository