(臺灣蕃地風俗)施武郡的布農族獵人, 山羊, 玉米
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]According to Masagseg Jingror: @Isibukun 施武郡 Bunun grow grain crops and sweet potatoes as their main food.
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]This photo was also reproduced under the @Taiwan Historical Postcards Series@ imprint, with the Japanese caption cropped off.
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]This photo was also reproduced under the @Taiwan Historical Postcards Series@ imprint, with the Japanese caption cropped off.
Lafayette Digital Repository
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Yao Tsun Hsiung writes, @Since the basic policy of Taiwan$s Japanese rulers could be summed up as $industrial Japan, agricultural Taiwan,$ it come
蕃人在東沿海道路 加禮宛的曠野 三棧溪的關門鐵索橋
Lafayette Digital Repository
Lafayette Digital Repository
Lafayette Digital Repository
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Nearly identical to lw0090 except for title font and the lack of a period after the series number on this card.Translation of Japanese title: Ox a
臺灣本地人的農業 (水牛耕田)
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]The title should read, @(26) Agricultural Working of Formosa@
Lafayette Digital Repository
Lafayette Digital Repository
Lafayette Digital Repository
Lafayette Digital Repository
臺灣土人ノ水田耕作 Y.181.
Lafayette Digital Repository