
Hollow-Legged Tripod (Li Ding)
Hollow-Legged Tripod (Li Ding)
The Cleveland Museum of Art
This food vessel exhibits a new decorative trend of metropolitan Western Zhou foundries.
Inlay for a Mirror or Box: Lady and Mandolin
Inlay for a Mirror or Box: Lady and Mandolin
The Cleveland Museum of Art
The p'ing-t'o technique of inlaying gold and silver foil on lacquer produced luxurious articles of elegance and fragility.
Woman Holding Plum Blossoms
Woman Holding Plum Blossoms
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Tang figurines placed in the tombs give a vivid picture of everyday life.
Inlay for a Mirror or Box: Lady and Flute
Inlay for a Mirror or Box: Lady and Flute
The Cleveland Museum of Art
The p'ing-t'o technique of inlaying gold and silver foil on lacquer produced luxurious articles of elegance and fragility.
Inlay for a Mirror or Box: shih-shih
Inlay for a Mirror or Box: shih-shih
The Cleveland Museum of Art
The p'ing-t'o technique of inlaying gold and silver foil on lacquer produced luxurious articles of elegance and fragility.
Inlay for a Mirror or Box: shih-shih
Inlay for a Mirror or Box: shih-shih
Cleveland Museum of Art
The p'ing-t'o technique of inlaying gold and silver foil on lacquer produced luxurious articles of elegance and fragility.
Returning Peasants in a Spring Evening
Returning Peasants in a Spring Evening
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Although little known today, Tao Hong was a versatile artist who here depicts farmers returning home after a day in the fields.
Inlay for a Mirror or Box: shih-shih
Inlay for a Mirror or Box: shih-shih
The Cleveland Museum of Art
The p'ing-t'o technique of inlaying gold and silver foil on lacquer produced luxurious articles of elegance and fragility.
Mirror with Four Running Animals
Mirror with Four Running Animals
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Inscription: I received a gift: the mirror of the King of Qin. For this, I would have paid willingly a thousand taels of silver.
TLV Mirror
TLV Mirror
Cleveland Museum of Art
The mirror was cast in a ceramic mold.
Vase with Floral Scrolls
Vase with Floral Scrolls
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Cizhou ware characteristically shows the use of slip coating, bold designs, and color contrasts to achieve stunning visual effects.
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Chariots and weapons were associated with hunting and warfare in the ancient world.
Mirror with Four T's
Mirror with Four T's
The Cleveland Museum of Art
The symbolic significance of the ancient Chinese mirror lies in its circular form and reflective quality that make it resemble the sun and the moon.
Album of Miscellaneous Subjects, Leaf 7
Album of Miscellaneous Subjects, Leaf 7
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Leaf 7 Han Tan's colophon reads: Thoughts of autumn in the nuptial chamber with the new chill arising, The white frost all persuasive with a brig
Album of Miscellaneous Subjects, Leaf 2
Album of Miscellaneous Subjects, Leaf 2
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Leaf 2 This leaf is, perhaps, based on Du Mu's poetic line: The herdboy pointed to the distant Apricot Village.
Mt. Shenchang
Mt. Shenchang
The Cleveland Museum of Art
This album of landscape paintings depicts the famous scenic areas located in and around the city of Wuxing in southeastern China.
Scholar-Hermits in the Autumn Mountains
Scholar-Hermits in the Autumn Mountains
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Jar (Hu)
Jar (Hu)
The Cleveland Museum of Art
This superb Han dynasty jar has a robust shape imitating that of the bronze (hu) and is covered with a thin brownish-green glaze.
