
Site for proposed lighthouse
Site for proposed lighthouse
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Site of Proposed Lighthouse (completed summer of 1939)
Sidewalk with a view
Sidewalk with a view
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Taken from porch of British Consulate of mission house
Temple of the Five Concubines
Temple of the Five Concubines
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Temple of Five Virtuous Women in Tainan 2601
Driveway of the U.S. Consulate
Driveway of the U.S. Consulate
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Driveway on right of consulate 2716
Bound Foot
Bound Foot
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Bound foot of a Chinese woman. They are only seen on the feet of old women. The Japanese forbid the practice now.
Household Interior
Household Interior
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Three of the subjects in this photograph closely resemble three of the subjects in H. Suzuki 1935, p. 40.
Pat Pearson and footwear
Pat Pearson and footwear
Lafayette Digital Repository
[日文]Pat being fitted with a pair of Japanese sandals because of a sore heel.
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Man, woman and two children stand in front of wooden structure with thatched roof.
View from the inn
View from the inn
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Taken looking out of the sliding doors of the inn
Lafayette Digital Repository
Maruyama Street in Taipei
Maruyama Street in Taipei
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]The shrine in question is Taiwan Shrine, the major Japanese state-shinto edifice in Taiwan.The making of the street to the shrine.
Driveway construction at the US consulate
Driveway construction at the US consulate
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Just as they commenced taking out the open sewer in front of the consulate.
Woman and two children at front entrance
Woman and two children at front entrance
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]A savage woman and children in doorway of their home 2660
John Herder at the Knight's house
John Herder at the Knight's house
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Hi!! John Herder peeking from behind a pillar of the front porch 1941
A view of Maruyama St.
A view of Maruyama St.
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]A holiday, taken between the two flags at the consulate
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]The food and extra stools for the wedding. The bride is in this sedan chair--the mother in the other. Taken on the road outside of Hakuto.
Arthur Warner in front of mikoshi
Arthur Warner in front of mikoshi
Lafayette Digital Repository
Urai Falls
Urai Falls
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Urai falls-just outside the savage village of Urai--giant ferns in foreground
In the wake of the ocean liner
In the wake of the ocean liner
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]2881 album 13the water churning behind the asama bringing Jerry toward Rella
Taroko vista
Taroko vista
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Seen from the porch of the inn at Bata-gan.
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]See description for image wa0008.
Lafayette Digital Repository
Lafayette Digital Repository
Map of Taiwan and surrounding areas
Map of Taiwan and surrounding areas
Lafayette Digital Repository
