
巴色差會傳教士飄洋過海來傳教 Missionaries from the Basel Mission traveled overseas to preach.
巴色差會傳教士飄洋過海來傳教 Missionaries from the Basel Mission traveled overseas to preach.
巴色會小孩洗禮證書 Infant baptism certificate from the Basel Mission of Malaysia
巴色會小孩洗禮證書 Infant baptism certificate from the Basel Mission of Malaysia
沙巴當地教會所使用的洗禮證明Baptism certificate from a local parish in Sabah.
巴色會成人洗禮證書 Adult baptism certificate from the Basel Mission of Malaysia
巴色會成人洗禮證書 Adult baptism certificate from the Basel Mission of Malaysia
沙巴當地教會所使用的洗禮證明Baptism certificate from a local parish in Sabah.
巴色會結婚證書 Marriage certificate from the Basel Mission of Malaysia
巴色會結婚證書 Marriage certificate from the Basel Mission of Malaysia
沙巴當地教會所使用的結婚證書Marriage certificate from a local parish in Sabah.
南王馮雲山銅像 A bronze statue of “South King” Feng Yunshan
南王馮雲山銅像 A bronze statue of “South King” Feng Yunshan
廣東花縣客家人。 道光24年,馮雲山和洪秀全到廣西桂平縣紫荊山區傳教,並創立「拜上帝會」,號召人們信仰「皇上帝」(上帝耶和華),擊滅「閻羅妖」(滿族皇帝)。
2. 此「客」即是客 The Word ‘Kè’ is Now ‘Hakka’
2. 此「客」即是客 The Word ‘Kè’ is Now ‘Hakka’
2. The Word ‘Kè’ is Now ‘Hakka’
此「客」即是「客」 The Word ‘Kè’ is Now ‘Hakka’
此「客」即是「客」 The Word ‘Kè’ is Now ‘Hakka’
十九世紀中葉後,西方傳教士按照廣府方言的發音,將這些說客家方言的人以羅馬拼音稱為「Hakka」Western missionaries after the mid-19th century referred to speakers of Hakka dialects as “the Hakka&qu
海地古德(壹元) 1 Haitian Gourde
海地古德(壹元) 1 Haitian Gourde
Vintage Printery
1 海地古德(Gourde Haiti)。鈔面人物頭像為 1957 至 1971 年間擔任海地總統的 François Duvalier,於其總統任內施行極權統治。One Haitian gourde.
寬窄路圖 Missionary poster: "The Broad and Narrow Paths."
寬窄路圖 Missionary poster: "The Broad and Narrow Paths."
小構樹標本_BRCM 610
小構樹標本_BRCM 610
Museum national d'Histoire naturelle
構樹標本_BRCM 289
構樹標本_BRCM 289
Museum national d'Histoire naturelle
構樹標本_BRCM 226
構樹標本_BRCM 226
Museum national d'Histoire naturelle
構樹標本_BRCM 360
構樹標本_BRCM 360
Museum national d'Histoire naturelle
藤構標本_BRCM 668
藤構標本_BRCM 668
Museum national d'Histoire naturelle
構樹標本_BRCM 426
構樹標本_BRCM 426
Museum national d'Histoire naturelle
藤構標本_BRCM 670
藤構標本_BRCM 670
Museum national d'Histoire naturelle
構樹標本_BRCM 374
構樹標本_BRCM 374
Museum national d'Histoire naturelle
構樹標本_BRCM 354
構樹標本_BRCM 354
Museum national d'Histoire naturelle
構樹標本_BRCM 581
構樹標本_BRCM 581
Museum Requien-Avignon
構樹標本_BRCM 403
構樹標本_BRCM 403
Museum national d'Histoire naturelle
