
Lamproderma scintillans(閃光亮皮黏菌)
Lamproderma scintillans(閃光亮皮黏菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Stemonitis splenden(美髮網黏菌)
Stemonitis splenden(美髮網黏菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Hymenochaete cyclolamellata(褐環刺革菌)
Hymenochaete cyclolamellata(褐環刺革菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Pleurotus citrinopileatus(金頂側耳)
Pleurotus citrinopileatus(金頂側耳)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Guepiniopsis buccina(膠盤耳)
Guepiniopsis buccina(膠盤耳)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Lachnum virgineum(潔白粒毛盤菌)
Lachnum virgineum(潔白粒毛盤菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Hericium coralloides(珊瑚狀猴頭菇)
Hericium coralloides(珊瑚狀猴頭菇)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Bovista plumbea(鉛色灰球菌)
Bovista plumbea(鉛色灰球菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Gloiocephala aff. epiphylla(葉生黏蓋傘之相似種)
Gloiocephala aff. epiphylla(葉生黏蓋傘之相似種)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Campanella aff. gregaria(簇生脈褶菌之相似種)
Campanella aff. gregaria(簇生脈褶菌之相似種)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Byssomerulius corium(革皮細絲皺皮菌)
Byssomerulius corium(革皮細絲皺皮菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Chlorencoelia versiformis(多形綠腹盤菌)
Chlorencoelia versiformis(多形綠腹盤菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Discina perlata(珠亮平盤菌)
Discina perlata(珠亮平盤菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Parmotrema tinctorum(大裸緣梅衣)
Parmotrema tinctorum(大裸緣梅衣)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Caloplaca flavovirescens(黃綠橙衣)
Caloplaca flavovirescens(黃綠橙衣)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Icmadophila ericetorum(霜降衣)
Icmadophila ericetorum(霜降衣)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Geastrum saccatum(袋形地星)
Geastrum saccatum(袋形地星)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Geastrum triplex(尖頂地星)
Geastrum triplex(尖頂地星)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Placopsis cribellans(突癭茶漬衣)
Placopsis cribellans(突癭茶漬衣)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Athelia rolfsii(羅爾夫阿太菌)
Athelia rolfsii(羅爾夫阿太菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Gymnopilus junonius(桔黃裸傘)
Gymnopilus junonius(桔黃裸傘)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Tremellodendropsis tuberosa(種珊瑚銀耳)
Tremellodendropsis tuberosa(種珊瑚銀耳)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Bulgaria inquinans(污膠陀螺菌)
Bulgaria inquinans(污膠陀螺菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Coniolepiota spongodes(海綿鱗環柄菇)
Coniolepiota spongodes(海綿鱗環柄菇)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
