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[英文]In the background is a tagakal, or resting platform (see 0018).
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[英文]Jonathan Dever has noted that the three standing men in this photo are also pictured in wa0323, in nearly the same pose.
(臺灣)賽夏族盛裝的首領 與獅頭驛社的勇士
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]The man on the right was photographed for the picture ca. 1912. 右側係賽夏族大隘社頭目,已有十五次出草的經驗,故胸前先後刺上六條紋,以表彰戰功,其漢名為趙明政,日治時期則稱為伊波幸太郎。
Lafayette Digital Repository
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]This man and woman are also pictured in image 0057, with two other adults, weapons, and a hunting trophy.
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]See lw0065 for a photograph of the some of the same subjects.
八月 松山陵に於てソワサツ蕃人探縦功を奏し其銃器買上の景
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[英文]The verb 操縦 (soujou) is misspelled as 探縦 on the caption for this card. It means @manage@ @control@ @handle.@
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]Hong (1993) considers this image to be a Tsuo chief in war clothing (p. 293); Ide (1937) agrees (p.
七月 太魯閣踏破第一日ペセリアン渓に至る途次
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八月 松山陵に於て第九中隊下士
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Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]The Japanese title locates this village as @Piyawai.@ The photograph is probably from the 1907-1910 period when Kappanzan was used as a staging ar
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[英文]Marikowan=マリコワン The title should read @barbarians Taiwan@ Marikowan群指居住於新竹縣尖石鄉玉峰村、南投縣仁愛鄉力行村一帶的泰雅族人。
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[英文]Previous Niitakado 新高堂 publishing company$s versions of this card lw0051 lw0067 are titled @Seiban@ savage, with no caption; this card, most likel
七月 ソワサツ合流點露営幕舎建設
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臺灣蕃人ノ住家及穀倉 臺灣蕃人ノ舞踏
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[英文]this postcard commemorates the 16th anniversary of the Taiwan Government General.
五月 軍旗ボア─ルンに入る
Lafayette Digital Repository
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]The @22.12.30@ stamp on the front refers to @December 12, 1930@ because the words @TAIHOKU TAIWAN JAPAN@ are written in English.
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]The men and women in this portrait are identified as Indigenous People in the caption, but their clothing does not mark them as members of any spe
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]The title should read, @Firing of Natives Talloco, Formosa@
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明治三十七八年戰役 日俄戰爭紀念
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[英文]The postcard (MFA 2002.15043) has the same photographs and captions with a different background and slightly different borders around the photogra
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