
畫面左側河谷上方款書「早春壬子年(1072)郭熙畫」,上鈐「郭熙筆」一印。郭熙,河陽溫縣人,活動於宋神宗朝(1067-1084),曾為朝廷官署內廷作畫,享年八十餘歲。 本幅為郭熙傳世的重要代表作,成功地於巨大山水構圖中展現春景生機。
The Nymph of the Lo River
The Nymph of the Lo River
The Walters Art Museum
A famous 4th-century poem describing the poet's vision of a river goddess has been written out in its entirety.
Mountain Landscape
Mountain Landscape
The Walters Art Museum
This is the countryside as it ought to be: at lower right a man sits on the riverbank grasping a fish, his sandals beside him; in the distance, boys r
Mountain Landscape
Mountain Landscape
The Walters Art Museum
The angular brush strokes and bold composition of this painting are hallmarks of the professional Zhe [Che] school painters.
Autumn Landscape in Blue-and-Green Style
Autumn Landscape in Blue-and-Green Style
The Walters Art Museum
Two sages cross a bridge. In the distance are an elaborate pavilion and a tall waterfall partially shrouded in mist.
Album of 16 Paintings
Album of 16 Paintings
The Walters Art Museum
This album of 16 paintings by artists active in Shanghai during the 1860s and 1870s is dedicated to the original owner, Mr. Xu Hongting.
Wang Xianzhi [Wang Hsien-Chih] and Two Wives Among Willows and Rocks
Wang Xianzhi [Wang Hsien-Chih] and Two Wives Among Willows and Rocks
The Walters Art Museum
A man in scholar's robes approaches two women--all of them unidentified, though one cataloguer thought they were a famous 4th-century calligraphe
Spring Morning at Dongting Lake
Spring Morning at Dongting Lake
The Walters Art Museum
A skillful but unidentifiable artist has evoked the style of a master of the Song [Sung] Dynasty.
Garden Recreations
Garden Recreations
The Walters Art Museum
In the yard, a boy lights a firecracker as others either make music or huddle together.
Barbarians and Envoys Bring Tribute to the Emperor
Barbarians and Envoys Bring Tribute to the Emperor
The Walters Art Museum
This handscroll, in the style of the 12th-13th century, is said to depict envoys from the territories around China's periphery bringing tribute t
Sages in a Winter Landscape
Sages in a Winter Landscape
The Walters Art Museum
The artist has adopted the choppy individual style of brushwork developed in the 18th century by Huang Shen, one of the "Yangzhou Eccentrics.&quo
Lady Boating in a Lotus Pond
Lady Boating in a Lotus Pond
The Walters Art Museum
Above the beautiful woman at bottom center in this delicately painted landscape are a willow tree, a fancy mist-shrouded garden pavilion, and towering
Mountain Landscape with Houses and Figures
Mountain Landscape with Houses and Figures
The Walters Art Museum
The turbulent mountains in the paintings by Yuan Jiang and his followers were inspired by those in the works of a great 11th-century master, Guo Xi.
Blue and Green Landscape
Blue and Green Landscape
The Walters Art Museum
A painter in the court of the emperor in the 1424-35 period, Shih Jui liked to work in the blue-and-green manner developed centuries earlier.
Three Mongols with a Horse
Three Mongols with a Horse
The Walters Art Museum
River Landscape with Boatman
River Landscape with Boatman
The Walters Art Museum
This scroll is painted in a very broad style. The piece is slightly damaged.
Repairing Robes
Repairing Robes
The Walters Art Museum
The Eight Immortals
The Eight Immortals
The Walters Art Museum
Zhu Wenxin has painted the standard group of eight immortals, all of them people who have lived in historical times and have acquired magical powers.
Garden with Pavilion
Garden with Pavilion
The Walters Art Museum
This exquisite fan painting, presented to the Qianlong [Ch'ien-lung] emperor, probably depicts a real spot in the environs of Beijing, the capita
The Walters Art Museum
Jin Liying [Chin Li-ying] writes on her image of delicately rendered orchids that she has difficulty painting this subject, because her mind is consum
Mountain Trees after Rain
Mountain Trees after Rain
The Walters Art Museum
Wang Xuehao [Wang Hsüeh-hao], famous in the early decades of the 19th century, painted this landscape in the manner of the orthodox master Wang Hui (1
Calligraphy in Cursive Script
Calligraphy in Cursive Script
The Walters Art Museum
Shen Zengzhi was an administrator, historian, poet, and calligrapher with a highly individual style.
