
臺灣生物多樣性觀測網絡 (TaiBON)
分析各漁業別之漁產量,以監測、管理及淘汰不永續的漁具漁法 (包括鏢旗魚、一支釣、曳繩釣、刺網、巾著網、焚寄網、圍網、扒網、魩鱙、拖網、珊瑚漁業等) 或用漁船噸數分級。上述漁法的排序,越後面的漁法或噸數越大的漁船,捕撈的能力及誤捕的比例越高,愈不符合永續利用的原則。 ● 發展背景
中央研究院生物多樣性研究中心 (BRCAS)
2018年全球最接近實現永續發展目標 (SDGs) 的國家
2018年全球最接近實現永續發展目標 (SDGs) 的國家
2018年全球最接近實現永續發展目標 (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs) 的國家 (深藍色) 和仍面臨著最大挑戰的國家 (最淺藍色)。
Missing link (全球碳收支平衡每年有5億噸的碳不知去向) 應該是被海岸藍碳系統所吸收。陸地上森林的碳匯功能只有紅樹林的1/4、鹽沼的1/3、海草床的1/2。而且因底土厭氧儲存有機碳更為有效,也不會發生野火反而排碳。
自1970年以來,野生動物數量銳減69 %
自1970年以來,野生動物數量銳減69 %
Our World In Data
八仙橋,Emei Township, Hsinchu County - On the bank of the river
八仙橋,Emei Township, Hsinchu County - On the bank of the river
Internet Archive
On the bank of the river,Cicadas sound,Sound of water,Traffic sound, Binaural recordings ,Best with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the volume , Sony P
金崙海灘,Jinlun, Taimali Township - Sound of the waves
金崙海灘,Jinlun, Taimali Township - Sound of the waves
Internet Archive
Sound of the waves,at the beach,The sound of a distant train,Binaural recordings ,Best with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the volume ,Zoom H2n MS+XY
緞藍園丁鳥 (Ptilonorhynchus violaceus)為求偶打造的巢
緞藍園丁鳥 (Ptilonorhynchus violaceus)為求偶打造的巢
photo of Satin Bowerbird at his bower, taken in Lamington National Park, Queensland, Australia
牡丹鄉199縣道,Pingtung County - In the bifurcation of the road
牡丹鄉199縣道,Pingtung County - In the bifurcation of the road
Internet Archive
In the bifurcation of the road,Traffic sound,Binaural recordings ,Best with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the volume ,Sony PCM D100+ Soundman OKM II
太麻里海邊,台東縣太麻里鄉 - sound of the waves
太麻里海邊,台東縣太麻里鄉 - sound of the waves
Internet Archive
At the beach,Sound of the waves, ,Best with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the volume ,Zoom H2n MS+XY ( SoundMap20180314-34) , recorded by Wu,Tsan-Che
泰和, 太麻里鄉台東縣 - Sound of the waves
泰和, 太麻里鄉台東縣 - Sound of the waves
Internet Archive
At the beach,Sound of the waves,,Best with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the volume ,Zoom H2n MS+XY( SoundMap20180316-15) , recorded by Wu,Tsan-Cheng
Tuban, 達仁鄉台東縣 - At the edge of the mountain wall
Tuban, 達仁鄉台東縣 - At the edge of the mountain wall
Internet Archive
Stream sound,At the edge of the mountain wall,Bird call ,Birdsong across the valley,Binaural recordings ,Best with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the
東68紹雅產業道路,Xinxing, Daren Township - the sound of cicadas
東68紹雅產業道路,Xinxing, Daren Township - the sound of cicadas
Internet Archive
In the Mountain trail,traffic sound,Bird call,Stream sound,The sound of cicadas,,Best with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the volume , Zoom H2n MS+XY
Nantian Coast Water Park,台東縣達仁鄉 - Sound of the waves
Nantian Coast Water Park,台東縣達仁鄉 - Sound of the waves
Internet Archive
Sound of the waves ,Binaural recordings ,Best with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the volume , Sony PCM D100+ Soundman OKM II ( SoundMap20180328-22) ,
Nantian Coast ,達仁鄉上南田 - the waves and Rolling stones
Nantian Coast ,達仁鄉上南田 - the waves and Rolling stones
Internet Archive
Chicken crowing,Bird cry,Sound of the traffic,Sound of the waves,Rolling stones,,Best with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the volume ,Zoom H2n MS+XY (
太麻里海岸,Taimali Township,Taiwan - Sound of the waves
太麻里海岸,Taimali Township,Taiwan - Sound of the waves
Internet Archive
At the beach,Sound of the waves,birds sound,,Best with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the volume ,Zoom H2n MS+XY ( SoundMap20180403-11) , recorded by
Ln. 18, Jinhua St., East Dist., Hsinchu City - In the alley
Ln. 18, Jinhua St., East Dist., Hsinchu City - In the alley
Internet Archive
In the alley,The sound of birds,Demolition of old house,traffic sound , Binaural recordings ,Best with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the volume , Son
Jialan, Jinfeng Township, Taitung County - In the streets of the tribe
Jialan, Jinfeng Township, Taitung County - In the streets of the tribe
Internet Archive
In the streets of the tribe,Traffic sound,Dog barking,Bird cry,Binaural recordings ,Best with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the volume ,Sony PCM D100
太麻里海岸, 太麻里鄉台東縣 Taiwan - Sound of the waves
太麻里海岸, 太麻里鄉台東縣 Taiwan - Sound of the waves
Internet Archive
Sound of the waves,Beach,,Best with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the volume ,Zoom H2n MS+XY ( SoundMap20180405-9) , recorded by Wu,Tsan-Cheng 吳燦政
台東縣大武鄉,Taiwan - Sound of the waves
台東縣大武鄉,Taiwan - Sound of the waves
Internet Archive
at the beach,Sound of the waves,Binaural recordings ,Best with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the volume ,Sony PCM D100+ Soundman OKM II ( SoundMap201
牡丹灣,Mudan Township, Pingtung County - Sound of the waves,
牡丹灣,Mudan Township, Pingtung County - Sound of the waves,
Internet Archive
at the beach,Sound of the waves, ,Best with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the volume ,Zoom H2n MS+XY ( SoundMap20180402-36) , recorded by Wu,Tsan-Che
新興路42號, Hengchun Township - In front of the restaurant
新興路42號, Hengchun Township - In front of the restaurant
Internet Archive
In front of the restaurant,traffic sound,At the intersection,Binaural recordings ,Best with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the volume ,Sony PCM D100+
