
Phellinus noxius(有害木層孔菌)
Phellinus noxius(有害木層孔菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Physarum viride(綠絨泡黏菌)
Physarum viride(綠絨泡黏菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Lycogala flavofuscum(大粉瘤黏菌)
Lycogala flavofuscum(大粉瘤黏菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Phallus rugulosus(細皺鬼筆)
Phallus rugulosus(細皺鬼筆)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Amauroderma rugosum(假芝)
Amauroderma rugosum(假芝)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Propolis farinosa(粉澱蜂膠菌)
Propolis farinosa(粉澱蜂膠菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Dasyscyphella nivea(雪白小毛釘菌)
Dasyscyphella nivea(雪白小毛釘菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Craterium leucocephalum(白頭高杯黏菌)
Craterium leucocephalum(白頭高杯黏菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Ramaria botrytis(叢枝瑚菌)
Ramaria botrytis(叢枝瑚菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Ceratiomyxa sphaerosperma(球孢鵝絨黏菌)
Ceratiomyxa sphaerosperma(球孢鵝絨黏菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Helvella macropus(粒柄馬鞍菌)
Helvella macropus(粒柄馬鞍菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Peziza ammophila(沙灘盤菌)
Peziza ammophila(沙灘盤菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Entonaema splendens(華美膠球炭殼菌)
Entonaema splendens(華美膠球炭殼菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Mycena lazulina(暗藍小菇)
Mycena lazulina(暗藍小菇)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Mucilago crustacea(薄殼膠漿黏菌)
Mucilago crustacea(薄殼膠漿黏菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Ophiocordyceps myrmecophila(蟻蛇形蟲草)
Ophiocordyceps myrmecophila(蟻蛇形蟲草)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Diderma platycarpum(薄雙皮黏菌)
Diderma platycarpum(薄雙皮黏菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Climacodon pulcherrimus(美麗小肉齒菌)
Climacodon pulcherrimus(美麗小肉齒菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Physarum pezizoideum(盤頭絨泡黏菌)
Physarum pezizoideum(盤頭絨泡黏菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Laurilia taxodii(落羽杉勞氏菌)
Laurilia taxodii(落羽杉勞氏菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Laccaria ohiensis(俄亥俄蠟蘑)
Laccaria ohiensis(俄亥俄蠟蘑)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Russula delica(美味紅菇)
Russula delica(美味紅菇)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Marasmius graminum(草生小皮傘)
Marasmius graminum(草生小皮傘)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Acanthonitschkea argentinensis(阿根庭刺座菌)
Acanthonitschkea argentinensis(阿根庭刺座菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
