
Graphis scripta(稿繪文字衣)
Graphis scripta(稿繪文字衣)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Panaeolus antillarum(安地列斯花褶傘)
Panaeolus antillarum(安地列斯花褶傘)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Hohenbuehelia grisea(黑灰亞側耳)
Hohenbuehelia grisea(黑灰亞側耳)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Ascobolus stercorarius(喜糞糞盤菌)
Ascobolus stercorarius(喜糞糞盤菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Coprinellus heptemerus(柔碎類鬼傘)
Coprinellus heptemerus(柔碎類鬼傘)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Phaeohelotium subcarneum(淡肉色暗柔膜菌)
Phaeohelotium subcarneum(淡肉色暗柔膜菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Ophiocordyceps dipterigena(雙翅蛇形蟲草)
Ophiocordyceps dipterigena(雙翅蛇形蟲草)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Rimelia clavulifera(白腹緣網裂梅衣)
Rimelia clavulifera(白腹緣網裂梅衣)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Aleurodiscus mirabilis(刺絲盤革菌)
Aleurodiscus mirabilis(刺絲盤革菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Didymium bahiense(扁凹鈣皮黏菌)
Didymium bahiense(扁凹鈣皮黏菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Microporus vernicipes(漆柄小孔菌)
Microporus vernicipes(漆柄小孔菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Physarum oblatum(扁圓絨泡黏菌)
Physarum oblatum(扁圓絨泡黏菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Didymium squamulosum(鱗鈣皮黏菌)
Didymium squamulosum(鱗鈣皮黏菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Badhamia gracilis(細鈣絲黏菌)
Badhamia gracilis(細鈣絲黏菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Diderma spumarioides(聯壁雙皮黏菌)
Diderma spumarioides(聯壁雙皮黏菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Ochrolechia trochophora(幹生肉疣衣)
Ochrolechia trochophora(幹生肉疣衣)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Didymium clavus(釘形鈣皮黏菌)
Didymium clavus(釘形鈣皮黏菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Perichaena depressa(扁蓋碗黏菌)
Perichaena depressa(扁蓋碗黏菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Agrocybe paludosa(沼生田頭菇)
Agrocybe paludosa(沼生田頭菇)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Mollisia melaleuca(黑白軟盤菌)
Mollisia melaleuca(黑白軟盤菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Ceraceomyces sublaevis(近光滑油菌)
Ceraceomyces sublaevis(近光滑油菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Phellinus noxius(有害木層孔菌)
Phellinus noxius(有害木層孔菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Physarum viride(綠絨泡黏菌)
Physarum viride(綠絨泡黏菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Lycogala flavofuscum(大粉瘤黏菌)
Lycogala flavofuscum(大粉瘤黏菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
