
Cladonia pleurota(粉杯紅石蕊)
Cladonia pleurota(粉杯紅石蕊)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Cribraria aurantiaca(橘黃篩黏菌)
Cribraria aurantiaca(橘黃篩黏菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Perichaena pedata(柄蓋碗黏菌)
Perichaena pedata(柄蓋碗黏菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Cribraria splendens(美篩黏菌)
Cribraria splendens(美篩黏菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Cladonia macilenta(瘦柄紅石蕊)
Cladonia macilenta(瘦柄紅石蕊)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Tubifera corymbosa(繖序筒黏菌)
Tubifera corymbosa(繖序筒黏菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Hymenoscyphus scutula(盾膜盤菌)
Hymenoscyphus scutula(盾膜盤菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Phallus multicolor(多色裙鬼筆)
Phallus multicolor(多色裙鬼筆)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Phallus flavocostatus(黃重脈鬼筆)
Phallus flavocostatus(黃重脈鬼筆)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Porpidia flavicunda(橙假網衣)
Porpidia flavicunda(橙假網衣)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Panaeolus subbalteatus(鹿色花褶傘)
Panaeolus subbalteatus(鹿色花褶傘)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Boletus umbriniporus(褐孔牛肝菌)
Boletus umbriniporus(褐孔牛肝菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Entoloma chytrophilum(紫迷粉褶菌)
Entoloma chytrophilum(紫迷粉褶菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Baeomyces rufus(肉紅羊角衣)
Baeomyces rufus(肉紅羊角衣)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Amanita sychnopyramis(殘托鵝膏)
Amanita sychnopyramis(殘托鵝膏)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Crinipellis corvina(科維納皮傘)
Crinipellis corvina(科維納皮傘)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Entoloma farlowii(法洛粉褶菌)
Entoloma farlowii(法洛粉褶菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Calathella digitiformis (指狀籠菇)
Calathella digitiformis (指狀籠菇)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Conocybe subpubescens(疏絨毛錐蓋傘)
Conocybe subpubescens(疏絨毛錐蓋傘)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Descolea flavoannulata(黃環鱗傘)
Descolea flavoannulata(黃環鱗傘)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Hymenoscyphus javanicus(爪哇膜盤菌)
Hymenoscyphus javanicus(爪哇膜盤菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Pseudolagarobasidium subvinosum(近紫紅偽壺擔菌)
Pseudolagarobasidium subvinosum(近紫紅偽壺擔菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
Hypocrea dacrymycella(白黃肉座菌)
Hypocrea dacrymycella(白黃肉座菌)
蕈哥菇妹園地(The Forum of Fungi)
