
東勢街,基隆市暖暖區 - Bus station
東勢街,基隆市暖暖區 - Bus station
Internet Archive
Bus stationStanding on the roadside ,Traffic Sound,,Very hot weather ,Binaural recordings ,Best with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the volume ,Sony P
基隆市仁愛區,Taiwan - walking in the station
基隆市仁愛區,Taiwan - walking in the station
Internet Archive
walking in the station,Binaural recordings ,Best with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the volume ,Sony PCM D100+ Soundman OKM II ( SoundMap20160718-4)
Chenggong 1st Rd., Ren’ai Dist., 基隆市 - Walking on the road
Chenggong 1st Rd., Ren’ai Dist., 基隆市 - Walking on the road
Internet Archive
Traffic Sound,Walking through the market,Walking on the road,Binaural recordings ,Best with Headphone, Proposal to turn up the volume ,Sony PCM D100+
1. 本物件為以基隆金山為主題的明信片,正面為金山全景的黑白照片,後方為山巒,右方可見小徑,山下可見數棟建物。下方載有「基隆廳管內牡丹坑木村組金山全景」、「Kimuraguni's goldmine at botang kim,Keelung prefecture,」,左方繪有櫻花圖案。
Yi 1st Rd.,基隆市仁愛區 - Traditional and modern variety shows
Yi 1st Rd.,基隆市仁愛區 - Traditional and modern variety shows
Internet Archive
Festivals,Walking on the road, Traditional and modern variety shows,Keelung Mid.Summer Ghost Festival,Binaural recordings ,Best with Headphone, Propos
Gangxi St., Ren’ai Dist.,基隆市 - From the station square to the station
Gangxi St., Ren’ai Dist.,基隆市 - From the station square to the station
Internet Archive
From the station square to the station,Traditional and modern variety shows,Keelung Mid.Summer Ghost Festival,Binaural recordings ,Best with Headphone
Ai 3rd Rd., Ren’ai Dist., Keelung City 基隆市 - Traditional shows
Ai 3rd Rd., Ren’ai Dist., Keelung City 基隆市 - Traditional shows
Internet Archive
Festivals,Walking on the road, Traditional and modern variety shows,Keelung Mid.Summer Ghost Festival,Walking in the crowd,Binaural recordings ,Best w
Baifu Station,基隆市七堵區 - Walk at the station
Baifu Station,基隆市七堵區 - Walk at the station
Internet Archive
Walk at the station,Traffic sound,The train runs through,At the station platform,Station information broadcast,Binaural recordings ,Best with Headphon
基隆火車站,Ren'ai District,Keelung City - Walking at the station
基隆火車站,Ren'ai District,Keelung City - Walking at the station
Internet Archive
Walking at the station, From the station hall, Directions to the station platform,Escalator sound ,Binaural recordings ,Best with Headphone, Proposal
1997臺灣縣市長選舉 - 民進黨:基隆市 - 李進勇
1997臺灣縣市長選舉 - 民進黨:基隆市 - 李進勇
基隆市長候選人李進勇出席「建國會 新國家連線」聯合推薦之夜活動
1997臺灣縣市長選舉 - 民進黨:基隆市 - 李進勇
1997臺灣縣市長選舉 - 民進黨:基隆市 - 李進勇
基隆市長候選人李進勇出席「建國會 新國家連線」聯合推薦之夜活動
1997臺灣縣市長選舉 - 民進黨:基隆市 - 李進勇
1997臺灣縣市長選舉 - 民進黨:基隆市 - 李進勇
基隆市長候選人李進勇出席「建國會 新國家連線」聯合推薦之夜活動
1997臺灣縣市長選舉 - 民進黨:基隆市 - 李進勇
1997臺灣縣市長選舉 - 民進黨:基隆市 - 李進勇
基隆市長候選人李進勇(左)與建國會會長彭明敏出席「建國會 新國家連線」聯合推薦之夜活動
1997臺灣縣市長選舉 - 民進黨:基隆市 - 李進勇
1997臺灣縣市長選舉 - 民進黨:基隆市 - 李進勇
基隆市長候選人李進勇(左)與建國會會長彭明敏出席「建國會 新國家連線」聯合推薦之夜活動
1997臺灣縣市長選舉 - 民進黨:基隆市 - 李進勇
1997臺灣縣市長選舉 - 民進黨:基隆市 - 李進勇
建國會會長彭明敏(中)與基隆市長候選人李進勇出席「建國會 新國家連線」聯合推薦之夜活動
