Devotion to Both Science and Religion Amidst the Pandemic

<span>In the face of new viruses and a severe global pandemic, there are many unknowns, uncertainties, and widespread uneasiness.<br></span>How can religion be included in the global effort against the pandemic?&nbsp;What role does religion play in how we view the virus, the pandemic, and the future?<br>
Museum of the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica
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Her birthday falls in the third month of the lunar calendar, at which time many pilgrimages take place.&nbsp;<br><br>Due to COVID-19, there were discussions on whether or not to postpone or cancel these events. This decision would have a big impact on all aspects of Taiwanese society, from the devotees, temples to the Central Epidemic Command Center.", "weight": 1, "musicName": "無", "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "basic-7ler8ps1r4": { "id": "basic-7ler8ps1r4", "type": "basic", "sortable": true, "primaryObj": { "oid": "7584297380dd40821b91612d32778e86", "fileType": "image", "fileURI": "", "level": "primary", "title": "白沙屯媽祖進香_進香", "desc": "", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "mfid": "2bf9570ff4120dad8a246912b7aeca66", "fileCreator": "李凱翔", "rights": "李凱翔", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "創用CC 姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享", "fileOversize": false }, "title": "Religious gatherings during the pandemic", "desc": "<span>One of the most basic rules of COVID-19 prevention is to reduce gatherings and maintain social distancing.<br></span><br><span>In the early stages<span> of the pandemic, South Korea’s pandemic spread on a large scale due to religious gatherings, which caused great international concern. Many countries issued measures to reduce or suspend religious gatherings.<br></span></span><br>Religious activities in Taiwan are abundant, with many devotees making pilgrimages and offering incense to the temples. Amongst them, the annual Dajia Mazu Pilgrimage is the largest and grandest. During the 9-days event, the statue of Mazu marched for more than <span>340 kilometers in central Taiwan, with millions of people participate by following or welcoming the statue along the way.<br></span><br>However, during the pandemic, is it appropriate to continue? There has been a lot of debates in Taiwanese society.<br>", "weight": 2, "musicName": "無", "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "basic-41ethvmj4o": { "id": "basic-41ethvmj4o", "type": "basic", "sortable": true, "primaryObj": { "oid": "99506122a60e8761ddeab1892c78a388", "fileType": "image", "fileURI": "", "level": "primary", "title": "白沙屯媽祖進香", "desc": "", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "mfid": "091dae9bff16d8bf06df23923625fa51", "fileCreator": "許評註", "rights": "許評註", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "創用CC 姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享", "fileOversize": false }, "title": "To go or not to go?", "desc": "<span>Through rituals, religion helps create a sense of commonality, and is an irreplaceable source of emotional stability for society.<br></span><span>However, if a large-scale gathering takes place during the pandemic, this poses a great risk for public health.<br></span>The large number of pilgrims attending, through various forms of transportation, cannot be estimated nor controlled, thus makes it difficult to take effective prevention measures.<br><br>Religious activities should function to bring a peace of mind, but at this time, they create anxiety.<br>", "weight": 3, "musicName": "無", "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "basic-c0oo8zn23m": { "id": "basic-c0oo8zn23m", "type": "basic", "sortable": true, "primaryObj": { "oid": "dcfd2c4b590d6d1e81b45600dff4c3c9", "fileType": "video", "fileURI": "", "level": "primary", "title": "張珣講座影片_宗教與科學的對話", "desc": "", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "mfid": "6386cf5082a013d92b45c6d3131c6726", "fileCreator": "", "rights": "中研院民族所博物館", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "著作權利所有-僅能瀏覽", "fileOversize": false }, "title": "With a sincere mind, Mazu will protect everyone", "desc": "<span>Faced with the date approaching in May, 2020, the Jenlan temple hosting the celebrations originally did not want to decide on their own, but hoped that the government would make the call. However, the Central Epidemic Command Center was also concerned about religious freedom and traditions, and didn’t want to wantonly <span>interfere in administrative orders.<br></span></span><br><span>After a period of back and forth, online public opinions gradually moved toward \"With a sincere mind, Mazu will protect everyone\" and \"Don't go, it’s a breach of pandemic prevention safety measures\". Various temples then announced that they had<span> \"suspended pilgrimage activities.<br></span></span><br><br>◎ Please see Dr. Hsun Chang’Changhangd of the Science-Religion dialogue.<br>", "weight": 4, "musicName": "無", "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "quote-h724vpsjwn": { "id": "quote-h724vpsjwn", "type": "quote", "sortable": true, "weight": 5, "desc": "Why is it important for some devotees to go on pilgrimage?", "musicName": "無", "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "basic-021kng2426": { "id": "basic-021kng2426", "type": "basic", "sortable": true, "primaryObj": { "oid": "7ca8c7e7f2bd924ec198c195d20e2fa9", "fileType": "video", "fileURI": "", "level": "primary", "title": "張珣講座影片_為什麼有些信徒非進香不可?", "desc": "", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "mfid": "114c419b35da41329518b6d1164b1dfe", "fileCreator": "", "rights": "中研院民族所博物館", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "著作權利所有-僅能瀏覽", "fileOversize": false }, "title": "Many women pray for the safety and wellbeing of their families.", "desc": "<span>From their perspective, a promise to the gods must be fulfilled. In their words: \"I have already make a promise to Mazu last year (to join the pilgrimage this time)”. &nbsp;If<span> they don’t fulfill their words, they’ll feel very anxious and worried.<br></span></span><br>This is their \"family responsibility\".<br>", "weight": 6, "secondaryObj": { "oid": "50b842e18078efb533af79540f6f8a6d", "fileType": "image", "fileURI": "", "level": "secondary", "title": "大甲媽祖遶境進香第3天_引頸期盼", "desc": "", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "mfid": "d905f906379c4bf397458fecc6918acb", "fileCreator": "李凱翔", "rights": "李凱翔", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "創用CC 姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享", "fileOversize": false }, "musicName": "無", "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "imgs-us7o48x1m9": { "id": "imgs-us7o48x1m9", "type": "imgs", "sortable": true, "multiObjs": [ { "oid": "f5d83feefef7966bda5568e669dfb2ae", "title": "白沙屯媽祖進香_93年港北街面盛況", "desc": "", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "mfid": "d3a3494dc6842a4e09ab17e5fe2fb59f", "fileURI": 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Lockdown, collapsed medical care, and large-scale deaths from the pandemic led to the speculation of \"the apocalyptic virus\".<br></span></span><br>However, when pandemic conditions continued and people slowly accepted it as the “new normal”, this sense of apocalypse faded away.<br>", "weight": 14, "musicName": "無", "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "quote-04zq2p7kbv": { "id": "quote-04zq2p7kbv", "type": "quote", "sortable": true, "weight": 15, "desc": "What is the end of the world?", "musicName": "無", "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "basic-g2no55yb1i": { "id": "basic-g2no55yb1i", "type": "basic", "sortable": true, "primaryObj": { "oid": "e9826835c967abf7a83fb7dcda3194fc", "fileType": "image", "fileURI": "", "level": "primary", "title": "末日-天使指引聖徒約翰寫下啟示錄-七災", "desc": "", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "mfid": "ef51d3a42f55fc3be4423c1a00d3d3bd", "fileCreator": "", "rights": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "著作權利所有-僅能瀏覽", "fileOversize": false }, "title": "Apocalypse in a religious context", "desc": "<span>The concept of apocalypse as the end of the world has a long history in some religious traditions. For example, in the West, the destruction of the world has a specific image - in Hebrew it’s referred to as “Armageddon”<span> in the Bible.<br><b></b></span></span><br>From ethnographic research, anthropologists try to understand and compare the images and imaginations of various cultures’ doomsdays.<br>", "weight": 16, "musicName": "無", "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "imgs-q7vditkdak": { "id": "imgs-q7vditkdak", "type": "imgs", "sortable": true, "multiObjs": [ { "oid": "fea0c822d170817f77373536192e941f", "title": "第一張黑洞視覺影像/First Image of a Black Hole", "desc": "事件視界望遠鏡(EHT)以獲取黑洞影像為首要目標,由8座散落各地的電波望遠鏡所組成,由於橫跨地球各處,它們形成了與地球一樣大的虛擬列陣式望遠鏡,形成前所未有的解析力。\n\n黑洞是宇宙中極度壓縮的物體,在極小區域內含有極大質量。黑洞的存在會影響其周圍環境,使時空變形並加熱周圍物質而發光。廣義相對論預測,這種高熱物質將「照亮」周遭時空強烈扭曲的區域—導致「暗影」出現。\n\nEHT透過多次調校和成像方法,結果結果都顯現著中心有一黑暗區域的環形結構:即「黑洞陰影」。\n\nEHT國際合作團隊於2019年4月10日舉行全球同步記者會,公布第一張超大黑洞即黑洞陰影的視覺影像。", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "mfid": "773f0b91c981817fc0e8410100b5f4fd", "fileURI": "", "fileType": "image", "fileCreator": "EHT Collaboration", "rights": "Event Horizon Telescope", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "創用CC 姓名標示", "fileOversize": false, "level": "primary" }, { "oid": "ff960e3bfd3911c8cd024ca6278b6b8b", "title": "The 2017 North American Total Solar Eclipse: chromosphere, prominence, and Baily's Beads around C3", "desc": "Taken with a 700mm/F7.8 telescope and Nikon D800. The top one has an exposure time of 1/3200 sec. The other two are 1/8000 sec.", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "mfid": "b0d2d862f7abb73d85ff64c52fa50bf2", "fileURI": "", "fileType": "image", "fileCreator": "王為豪", "rights": "王為豪", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "著作權利所有-姓名標示-非商業性的教育與研究使用", "fileOversize": false, "level": "primary" }, { "oid": "e2933e1ced34b14401df46ef7a0b10e9", "title": "The 2017 North American Total Solar Eclipse: solar corona", "desc": "HDR composition of 29 exposures from 1/3200 sec to 4 sec.\nProcessed with Photoshop, and a program written by myself.\nTaken with a 700mm/F7.8 telescope and Nikon D800.", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "mfid": "ea28646c267be6ba0085bba6f8ebebcc", "fileURI": "", "fileType": "image", "fileCreator": "王為豪", "rights": "王為豪", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "著作權利所有-姓名標示-非商業性的教育與研究使用", "fileOversize": false, "level": "primary" } ], "items": { "imgs-q7vditkdak-wsfopbqwfj": { "id": "imgs-q7vditkdak-wsfopbqwfj", "title": "The 2017 North American Total Solar Eclipse: chromosphere, prominence, and Baily's Beads around C3", "desc": "Taken with a 700mm/F7.8 telescope and Nikon D800. The top one has an exposure time of 1/3200 sec. The other two are 1/8000 sec.", "primaryObj": { "oid": "ff960e3bfd3911c8cd024ca6278b6b8b", "title": "The 2017 North American Total Solar Eclipse: chromosphere, prominence, and Baily's Beads around C3", "desc": "Taken with a 700mm/F7.8 telescope and Nikon D800. The top one has an exposure time of 1/3200 sec. The other two are 1/8000 sec.", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "mfid": "b0d2d862f7abb73d85ff64c52fa50bf2", "fileURI": "", "fileType": "image", "fileCreator": "王為豪", "rights": "王為豪", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "著作權利所有-姓名標示-非商業性的教育與研究使用", "fileOversize": false, "level": "primary" }, "sortable": true, "type": "imgs-child", "weight": 0 }, "imgs-q7vditkdak-t09og3v0lx": { "id": "imgs-q7vditkdak-t09og3v0lx", "title": "The 2017 North American Total Solar Eclipse: solar corona", "desc": "HDR composition of 29 exposures from 1/3200 sec to 4 sec.\nProcessed with Photoshop, and a program written by myself.\nTaken with a 700mm/F7.8 telescope and Nikon D800.", "primaryObj": { "oid": "e2933e1ced34b14401df46ef7a0b10e9", "title": "The 2017 North American Total Solar Eclipse: solar corona", "desc": "HDR composition of 29 exposures from 1/3200 sec to 4 sec.\nProcessed with Photoshop, and a program written by myself.\nTaken with a 700mm/F7.8 telescope and Nikon D800.", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "mfid": "ea28646c267be6ba0085bba6f8ebebcc", "fileURI": "", "fileType": "image", "fileCreator": "王為豪", "rights": "王為豪", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "著作權利所有-姓名標示-非商業性的教育與研究使用", "fileOversize": false, "level": "primary" }, "sortable": true, "type": "imgs-child", "weight": 1 }, "imgs-q7vditkdak-9fzo2rwpxh": { "id": "imgs-q7vditkdak-9fzo2rwpxh", "title": "第一張黑洞視覺影像/First Image of a Black Hole", "desc": "事件視界望遠鏡(EHT)以獲取黑洞影像為首要目標,由8座散落各地的電波望遠鏡所組成,由於橫跨地球各處,它們形成了與地球一樣大的虛擬列陣式望遠鏡,形成前所未有的解析力。\n\n黑洞是宇宙中極度壓縮的物體,在極小區域內含有極大質量。黑洞的存在會影響其周圍環境,使時空變形並加熱周圍物質而發光。廣義相對論預測,這種高熱物質將「照亮」周遭時空強烈扭曲的區域—導致「暗影」出現。\n\nEHT透過多次調校和成像方法,結果結果都顯現著中心有一黑暗區域的環形結構:即「黑洞陰影」。\n\nEHT國際合作團隊於2019年4月10日舉行全球同步記者會,公布第一張超大黑洞即黑洞陰影的視覺影像。", "primaryObj": { "oid": "fea0c822d170817f77373536192e941f", "title": "第一張黑洞視覺影像/First Image of a Black Hole", "desc": "事件視界望遠鏡(EHT)以獲取黑洞影像為首要目標,由8座散落各地的電波望遠鏡所組成,由於橫跨地球各處,它們形成了與地球一樣大的虛擬列陣式望遠鏡,形成前所未有的解析力。\n\n黑洞是宇宙中極度壓縮的物體,在極小區域內含有極大質量。黑洞的存在會影響其周圍環境,使時空變形並加熱周圍物質而發光。廣義相對論預測,這種高熱物質將「照亮」周遭時空強烈扭曲的區域—導致「暗影」出現。\n\nEHT透過多次調校和成像方法,結果結果都顯現著中心有一黑暗區域的環形結構:即「黑洞陰影」。\n\nEHT國際合作團隊於2019年4月10日舉行全球同步記者會,公布第一張超大黑洞即黑洞陰影的視覺影像。", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "mfid": "773f0b91c981817fc0e8410100b5f4fd", "fileURI": "", "fileType": "image", "fileCreator": "EHT Collaboration", "rights": "Event Horizon Telescope", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "創用CC 姓名標示", "fileOversize": false, "level": "primary" }, "sortable": true, "type": "imgs-child", "weight": 2 } }, "weight": 17, "primaryObj": { "oid": "fea0c822d170817f77373536192e941f", "title": "第一張黑洞視覺影像/First Image of a Black Hole", "desc": "事件視界望遠鏡(EHT)以獲取黑洞影像為首要目標,由8座散落各地的電波望遠鏡所組成,由於橫跨地球各處,它們形成了與地球一樣大的虛擬列陣式望遠鏡,形成前所未有的解析力。\n\n黑洞是宇宙中極度壓縮的物體,在極小區域內含有極大質量。黑洞的存在會影響其周圍環境,使時空變形並加熱周圍物質而發光。廣義相對論預測,這種高熱物質將「照亮」周遭時空強烈扭曲的區域—導致「暗影」出現。\n\nEHT透過多次調校和成像方法,結果結果都顯現著中心有一黑暗區域的環形結構:即「黑洞陰影」。\n\nEHT國際合作團隊於2019年4月10日舉行全球同步記者會,公布第一張超大黑洞即黑洞陰影的視覺影像。", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "mfid": "773f0b91c981817fc0e8410100b5f4fd", "fileURI": "", "fileType": "image", "fileCreator": "EHT Collaboration", "rights": "Event Horizon Telescope", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "創用CC 姓名標示", "fileOversize": false, "level": "primary" }, "title": "Multiple versions of the end of the world", "desc": "<span>There are different apocalypses, in science or according to various belief systems. The doomsday view reflects the relationship between the individual and the world around them<span>.<br></span></span><br>Let’s briefly define an operational definition for doomsday:&nbsp;Doom refers to the end of time, and people think that time will be over \"then\".", "displayMode": "fixed-width", "musicName": "無", "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "quote-1m96nw3pa8": { "id": "quote-1m96nw3pa8", "type": "quote", "sortable": true, "weight": 18, "desc": "During the pandemic,<br>where did the idea of apocalypse come from?", "musicName": "無", "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "basic-yzc2vlcs1m": { "id": "basic-yzc2vlcs1m", "type": "basic", "sortable": true, "primaryObj": { "oid": "ab934e3eae6ec8547ec1e4b21a1f9a39", "fileType": "video", "fileURI": "", "level": "primary", "title": "黃淑莉講座影片_末日徵兆", "desc": "", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "mfid": "1ff0b126d20c20ad3fd1f2fef6f98b9f", "fileCreator": "", "rights": "中研院民族所博物館", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "著作權利所有-可用於本站提供的服務", "fileOversize": false }, "title": "Apocalypse predictions: helps contextualize one’s own circumstances", "desc": "In addition to religious classics, there are many depictions of the end of the world in ancient and modern astrology, calendars, literary works, as well as many movies and cartoons from popular culture. Some of these have even been picked up by people. They use the content as a mirror of the pandemic, treating them as prophecies and forming a sense of doomsday.<br><br><span>For example, in the novel ‘The Eye of Darkness’ shown in the picture, the name of the virus is \"Wuhan 400\", which has been called a prediction about the pandemic. Other signs, such as the prophecy of the Indian teenager Anand, the Corona Castle in a Disney animation, the Illuminati Tower card game, etc., have also been unearthed as indications that the end is near.<br></span><br>◎ Please see Dr. Shu-Li Huang's analysis<br>", "weight": 19, "secondaryObj": { "oid": "fbaf056b9efe4a4332599a2e4c675712", "fileType": "image", "fileURI": "", "level": "secondary", "title": "末日病毒-Dean Koontz 述有wuhan400的小說", "desc": "", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "mfid": "5aa9fb4011eca69df59b5e046416697b", "fileCreator": "", "rights": "Simon & Schuster", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "著作權利所有-僅能瀏覽", "fileOversize": false }, "musicName": "無", "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "basic-j6umhy5x35": { "id": "basic-j6umhy5x35", "type": "basic", "sortable": true, "primaryObj": { "oid": "1f9018a0dbff9cc045e49eb144ab1308", "fileType": "image", "fileURI": "", "level": "primary", "title": "Los Angeles_Convention Center with hospital beds for COVID-19", "desc": "", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "mfid": "c029c26b9161c812bd7b933d9dcfa0c8", "fileCreator": "", "rights": "U.S. Air National Guard, Sgt. Crystal Housman", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "著作權利所有-僅能瀏覽", "fileOversize": false }, "title": "Destroy people's sense of time × Clear perspective on apocalypse", "desc": "<span>When the number of people infected with the epidemic skyrocketed in March 2020, \"disaster scenarios\" emerged<span> such as panic buying, forced quarantine, and rapid cremation.<br></span></span><br><span>The global supply chain was also affected, convenient and easy travel was gone and the order of life was<span> threatened.<br></span></span><br>Compared with the bustling cities from the past, the deserted streets during the pandemic also brought a sense of time standing still like \"the end of the world.\"<br>", "weight": 20, "musicName": "無", "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "basic-brpayhfozj": { "id": "basic-brpayhfozj", "type": "basic", "sortable": true, "primaryObj": { "oid": "28cd503467afcf054a454d183cf9b014", "fileType": "video", "fileURI": "", "level": "primary", "title": "黃淑莉講座影片_病毒時間佔領了人類時間", "desc": "", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "mfid": "55f3136c6033e3cb19438a1a41afd418", "fileCreator": "", "rights": "中研院民族所博物館", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "著作權利所有-可用於本站提供的服務", "fileOversize": false }, "title": "In the end, the lifespan of the virus wins over human beings’ time", "desc": "In the face of the virus, mankind has become deprived of the ability to plan, use, and master time, and in fact has lost to virus time.<br><br><span>The end of humanity’s time connects to the image of the end of the world<span>.<br></span></span><br>◎ Please see Dr. Shu-Li Huang's analysis<br>", "weight": 21, "musicName": "無", "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "basic-guv17adomi": { "id": "basic-guv17adomi", "type": "basic", "sortable": true, "primaryObj": { "oid": "8d3ca8a26946f2fd1b22c1cb02535dd5", "fileType": "image", "fileURI": "", "level": "primary", "title": "COVID-19-人類與世界的關係_graffiti", "desc": "", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "mfid": "c2de889de1d26bf90cade87f7ffed720", "fileCreator": "Brno-Vinohrady,Michal Gregor", "rights": "Brno-Vinohrady, Michal Gregor", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "著作權利所有-僅能瀏覽", "fileOversize": false }, "title": "Linking the virus with an apocalypse is neither crazy nor exceptional", "desc": "Although \"apocalyptic virus\" images only surfaced for a short period of time, their impact may be more far-reaching.<br>The \"apocalyptic virus\" certainly brings negative emotions, anxiety and panic, but it also has a positive meaning - it highlights the need for humble reflections on the state of our natural world and to seek a sustainable relationship between mankind and our earth.<br><br><a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\">- Return to Pandemic Cultures -</a>", "weight": 22, "musicName": "無", "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "thanks": { "id": "thanks", "type": "thanks", "sortable": false, "thanksList": { "莊約翰": { "rights": "莊約翰", "rightsLogo": "", "obj": [ "69c900c554f73de6eb4d0ace700f5037", "30af2982ec5d1210e3087a14528147cc", "79ab55cf3e35d097deb2ee063b0b415e", "b82ee5893ebf96dc91199fbb2929bf85" ], "objNum": 4 }, "黃偉強": { "rights": "黃偉強", "rightsLogo": "", "obj": [ "2f4637372dd8c326d8af4960e3f27d61" ], "objNum": 1 }, "李凱翔": { "rights": "李凱翔", "rightsLogo": "", "obj": [ "7584297380dd40821b91612d32778e86", "50b842e18078efb533af79540f6f8a6d", "507eaa630b6de21acbe753cea26d33ea" ], "objNum": 3 }, "許評註": { "rights": "許評註", "rightsLogo": "", "obj": [ "99506122a60e8761ddeab1892c78a388", "e75670cd78bb72c6ba41f8b3d9bb167b" ], "objNum": 2 }, "中研院民族所博物館": { "rights": "中研院民族所博物館", "rightsLogo": "", "obj": [ "dcfd2c4b590d6d1e81b45600dff4c3c9", "7ca8c7e7f2bd924ec198c195d20e2fa9", "958706217b642dcb4215e65724791675", "cd882db25bdc7c1f0b0e457f71cb1828", "ab934e3eae6ec8547ec1e4b21a1f9a39", "28cd503467afcf054a454d183cf9b014", "588a6c39471eb41f2fd3b3d057f555d9", "75321962b4e47cc4df5ee9cf42e1d44a", "f9fc645aadd52d58f5d3b8b40ecb0e62", "b7e02afdfd1b8621a495b20481277fae", "35c099ecbe73bbbf16ba35d3fb220d97" ], "objNum": 11 }, "劉明同": { "rights": "劉明同", "rightsLogo": "", "obj": [ "87aa47087f4b988bc94f0b3fe92c5957", "f5d83feefef7966bda5568e669dfb2ae" ], "objNum": 2 }, "數位島嶼": { "rights": "數位島嶼", "rightsLogo": "", "obj": [ "f246ec980477c70505c85d67cf04a358" ], "objNum": 1 }, "台中 中都元帥殿 法元壇": { "rights": "台中 中都元帥殿 法元壇", "rightsLogo": "", "obj": [ "ef52e4e4f8f78774191a4ebcd202b88b", "684911a8ec10a410d947234d1891aea8", "86ac5b1fd2371db8817820846bf03507", "aa21bf6c83530a20cf63de409b0cef8e", "7cce0d446dc89df713ccb237d496812b" ], "objNum": 5 }, "NIAID": { "rights": "NIAID", "rightsLogo": "", "obj": [ "fd13a694bb8badca0ef1a1c6f85ab62c" ], "objNum": 1 }, "Sarena_Rosenfeld": { "rights": "Sarena_Rosenfeld", "rightsLogo": "", "obj": [ "fb1a6b207e3ba6fa852cd4ce82d1aa94" ], "objNum": 1 }, "The Metropolitan Museum of Art": { "rights": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art", "rightsLogo": "", "obj": [ "e9826835c967abf7a83fb7dcda3194fc" ], "objNum": 1 }, "Event Horizon Telescope": { "rights": "Event Horizon Telescope", "rightsLogo": "", "obj": [ "fea0c822d170817f77373536192e941f" ], "objNum": 1 }, "王為豪": { "rights": "王為豪", "rightsLogo": "", "obj": [ "ff960e3bfd3911c8cd024ca6278b6b8b", "e2933e1ced34b14401df46ef7a0b10e9" ], "objNum": 2 }, "Simon & Schuster": { "rights": "Simon & Schuster", "rightsLogo": "", "obj": [ "fbaf056b9efe4a4332599a2e4c675712" ], "objNum": 1 }, "U.S. Air National Guard, Sgt. 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The top one has an exposure time of 1/3200 sec. The other two are 1/8000 sec.", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "mfid": "b0d2d862f7abb73d85ff64c52fa50bf2", "fileURI": "", "fileType": "image", "fileCreator": "王為豪", "rights": "王為豪", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "著作權利所有-姓名標示-非商業性的教育與研究使用", "fileOversize": false, "level": "primary" }, "e2933e1ced34b14401df46ef7a0b10e9": { "oid": "e2933e1ced34b14401df46ef7a0b10e9", "title": "The 2017 North American Total Solar Eclipse: solar corona", "desc": "HDR composition of 29 exposures from 1/3200 sec to 4 sec.\nProcessed with Photoshop, and a program written by myself.\nTaken with a 700mm/F7.8 telescope and Nikon D800.", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "mfid": "ea28646c267be6ba0085bba6f8ebebcc", "fileURI": "", "fileType": "image", "fileCreator": "王為豪", "rights": "王為豪", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "著作權利所有-姓名標示-非商業性的教育與研究使用", "fileOversize": false, "level": "primary" }, "ab934e3eae6ec8547ec1e4b21a1f9a39": { "oid": "ab934e3eae6ec8547ec1e4b21a1f9a39", "fileType": "video", "fileURI": "", "level": "primary", "title": "黃淑莉講座影片_末日徵兆", "desc": "", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "mfid": "1ff0b126d20c20ad3fd1f2fef6f98b9f", "fileCreator": "", "rights": "中研院民族所博物館", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "著作權利所有-可用於本站提供的服務", "fileOversize": false }, "fbaf056b9efe4a4332599a2e4c675712": { "oid": "fbaf056b9efe4a4332599a2e4c675712", "fileType": "image", "fileURI": "", "level": "secondary", "title": "末日病毒-Dean Koontz 述有wuhan400的小說", "desc": "", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "mfid": "5aa9fb4011eca69df59b5e046416697b", "fileCreator": "", "rights": "Simon & Schuster", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "著作權利所有-僅能瀏覽", "fileOversize": false }, "1f9018a0dbff9cc045e49eb144ab1308": { "oid": "1f9018a0dbff9cc045e49eb144ab1308", "fileType": "image", "fileURI": "", "level": "primary", "title": "Los Angeles_Convention Center with hospital beds for COVID-19", "desc": "", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "mfid": "c029c26b9161c812bd7b933d9dcfa0c8", "fileCreator": "", "rights": "U.S. Air National Guard, Sgt. 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Museum of the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica