Capture the Ancients from Codices

Capture the Ancients from Codices

Automation in Event Evolutionary Graph for Historical Figures:<br>2023 Digital Humanities Research Project<br>
Automatic Extraction of Historical Figures and Events (2) – Automatic Construction of Historical Figure Event Graph
Wei-Yun Ma, Yu-Ming (Morris) Hsieh, Chin-Tung Li, Yin-Hsiang Liao
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Taking&nbsp;\"Qingshilu\" (清實錄, Factual Record of Qing Dynasty) as an example, we hoped to analyze historical figures' actions during their time in duty and connect them to the location and events of that period, aiming to portray these figures in detail.<br><br>This time, we aim to enhance the system by further improving its&nbsp;capabilities of comprehensive extraction, regarding \"people\", \"events\", \"time\", \"location\", and \"objects.\" Therefore, we refer to this as establishing an Event Evolutionary Graph (EEG) for historical figures.<br><br>", "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "text-rm7hcoe4ov": { "id": "text-rm7hcoe4ov", "type": "text", "sortable": true, "musicName": "無", "weight": 3, "desc": "To automate the process of constructing an EEG from a classical Chinese codex, namely, to create a mathematical model from the text to the EEG, the main challenge lies in the fact that known labeled data for this purpose does not exist. There are no labeled data for \"people\", \"events\", \"time\", \"location\", and \"objects\"; hence, there is no appropriate corpus to train models for automatic recognition. Without considering laborious and time-consuming manual labeling, we aim to achieve automated comprehensive extraction with little or no labeling.<br>", "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "text-ryvk9tp09x": { "id": "text-ryvk9tp09x", "type": "text", "sortable": true, "musicName": "無", "weight": 4, "desc": "Back in 2022, we developed a new modern Chinese dependency parser using deep learning techniques, extracting the relationships between subjects and verbs to capture \"people\" and \"events\". This system demonstrated certain effectiveness even without training data originated in&nbsp; classical Chinese.<br><br>However, in November 2022, OpenAI dropped a bombshell in the AI community by ChatGPT. Based on GPT-3.5, it can understand most human languages and respond in multiple ones, including Chinese. This large language models possesses both general and specialized knowledge, and exhibits excellent generalization abilities, functioning even with few or no specific demonstrations, aligning with our planned objectives.<br>", "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "text-usda45br01": { "id": "text-usda45br01", "type": "text", "sortable": true, "musicName": "無", "weight": 5, "desc": "Therefore, we cannot help but wondering, what role large language models can&nbsp;play in automated analysis related to Chinese codices?&nbsp;How can we utilize large language models to generate high-quality language data, or further enhance their ability to produce comprehensive extraction of figures? These are the questions we aim to explore in this project.", "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "text-o6odnct2ke": { "id": "text-o6odnct2ke", "type": "text", "sortable": true, "musicName": "無", "weight": 6, "desc": "Trough the introduction of new technology the goal for 2023 is&nbsp;to automatically generate summarized descriptions in detail of historical figures' events from a large amount of language data.&nbsp;This aims to determine what actions a person took, what events occurred, where they were stationed after assuming a certain official position, and even comprehensively analyze the interrelationships of people, events, times, and locations. Providing abundant material will facilitate subsequent research for scholars in related fields.", "title": "Goal", "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "text-brtquuwslo": { "id": "text-brtquuwslo", "type": "text", "sortable": true, "musicName": "無", "weight": 7, "title": "Development", "desc": "In mid 2022, we launched a new Chinese parser. By utilizing the dependency relationships between words, we were able to achieve desired results within the constraints of data quantity&nbsp;to ancient text, enabling more detailed analysis.&nbsp;<br><br>On the other hand, we conducted a series of studies on the ability of generative language models to handle ancient Chinese texts. We adjusted the language models used more adept at understanding ancient Chinese. We also introduced an ancient Chinese word segmentation tagging system, <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\">CKIP-Han-Transformer</a>, facilitating subsequent applications.<br>", "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "text-72a7v39gm0": { "id": "text-72a7v39gm0", "type": "text", "sortable": true, "musicName": "無", "weight": 8, "desc": "<div>Next in late 2022, we witnessed groundbreaking capabilities of the large-scale language model ChatGPT. Its API was available for external use in March 2023, facilitating a wide range of applications. After conducting practical tests, we found that ChatGPT, along with its predecessor GPT-3.0, demonstrated a comparable ability to our Chinese dependent parsing system. Additionally, due to its summarization and rewriting abilities, it yielded superior choice.</div><div><br></div><div>Consequently, in 2023, we adjusted our original plans to fine-tune the ancient Chinese language model. This modification proved to be more data-efficient. Leveraging this new technology, we introduced the automation of knowledge graphs for historical figures as a phased achievement.</div>", "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "theme-b37gshc3ug": { "id": "theme-b37gshc3ug", "type": "theme", "sortable": true, "primaryObj": { "oid": "f1c0d3d1149b7ff95868c76b41bb12b0", "fileType": "image", "fileURI": "", "level": "primary", "title": "CKIP-1/展示系統圖-綜合", "desc": "", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "background": "", "mfid": "9b7d07ca380db3075d2780b63b6c53b6", "musicURL": "", "musicName": "", "fileCreator": "", "rights": "中研院資訊所", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "著作權利所有-僅能瀏覽", "fileDisableLink": "1", "sourceID": "", "creator": "", "fileOversize": false }, "title": "Demonstration", "desc": "Event Evolutionary Graph for Historical Figure", "musicName": "無", "weight": 9, "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "basic-45hgvkt9ns": { "id": "basic-45hgvkt9ns", "type": "basic", "sortable": true, "primaryObj": { "oid": "f1c0d3d1149b7ff95868c76b41bb12b0", "fileType": "image", "fileURI": "", "level": "primary", "title": "CKIP-1", "desc": "", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "background": "", "mfid": "5eacb06291d10b0019cca395fd14b707", "musicURL": "", "musicName": "", "fileCreator": "", "rights": "中研院資訊所", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "著作權利所有-可用於本站提供的服務", "fileDisableLink": "1", "sourceID": "", "creator": "", "fileOversize": false }, "title": "Demonstration Website", "desc": "<a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\">link</a>", "musicName": "無", "weight": 10, "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "basic-3mcm9xw8q2": { "id": "basic-3mcm9xw8q2", "type": "basic", "sortable": true, "primaryObj": { "oid": "f1c0d3d1149b7ff95868c76b41bb12b0", "fileType": "image", "fileURI": "", "level": "primary", "title": "CKIP-1", "desc": "", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "background": "", "mfid": "5c86baa2dbfd2aadf0f2c68d6af22433", "musicURL": "", "musicName": "", "fileCreator": "", "rights": "中研院資訊所", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "著作權利所有-可用於本站提供的服務", "fileDisableLink": "1", "sourceID": "", "creator": "", "fileOversize": false }, "title": "Automation to Historical Figures' EEGs", "desc": "We leverage the large language model GPT-3.5 to generate detailed event summary descriptions as training data. Since GPT-3.5 is on OpenAI's side and users do not have permission to modify model parameters, in order to fully control of the model and facilitate future deployment, we used these training materials generated by GPT-3.5 to fine-tune a relatively small language model, Bloom-3b-zh to complete the task. There are four main tasks, as shown in the diagram above:<br>1. Data collection and wrangling<br>2.&nbsp;Design appropriate prompts to generate training data for detailed event summarization via the GPT-3.5 API, and validate it through manual inspection.<br>3.&nbsp;Optimize Bloom-3b-zh to effectively address multiple natural language processing problems (Bloom-3b-zh-instruct).<br>4.&nbsp;Fine-tune the aforementioned Bloom-3b-zh-instruct by&nbsp;training corpus generated from GPT-3.5, enabling it to produce detailed EEG.", "musicName": "無", "weight": 11, "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "theme-2lsn5ebnix": { "id": "theme-2lsn5ebnix", "type": "theme", "sortable": true, "primaryObj": { "oid": "40ede9eee4eef4b5adb1f945d13d2e10", "fileType": "image", "fileURI": "", "level": "primary", "title": "CKIP-3/與中研院歷史語言所合作(清實錄)", "desc": "", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "background": "", "mfid": "c7bdb00f424afa5575f1c0527a5097ef", "musicURL": "", "musicName": "", "fileCreator": "", "rights": "中研院資訊所", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "著作權利所有-僅能瀏覽", "fileDisableLink": "1", "sourceID": "", "creator": "", "fileOversize": false }, "title": "Demonstration for Past Research", "desc": "<b>◎&nbsp;</b>Figures and Events in Qingshilu&nbsp;<br><b>◎&nbsp;</b>Figures and their Career in Qingshilu<br><b>◎&nbsp;</b>Auto-Labeling the Name and Officials in Han Codices<br><b>◎&nbsp;</b>Automated Word Segmentation and&nbsp;Part-of-Speech Tagging for&nbsp;Han Codices<br><div><br></div>", "musicName": "無", "weight": 12, "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "basic-so1gitblqj": { "id": "basic-so1gitblqj", "type": "basic", "sortable": true, "primaryObj": { "oid": "7d34da410a742593695f1a84144ccc69", "fileType": "video", "fileURI": "", "level": "primary", "title": "2023 English Integration", "desc": "", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "background": "", "mfid": "738f1e800ebda158e5d02eac71923364", "musicURL": "", "musicName": "", "fileCreator": "", "rights": "中研院資訊所", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "著作權利所有-僅能瀏覽", "fileDisableLink": "1", "sourceID": "", "creator": "", "fileOversize": false }, "title": "Figures and Events in Qingshilu ", "desc": "<h2>Through automated analysis, we get events that related to a certain figure in Qinshilu, and further analyze his emotion.<br></h2><a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\">link</a><br>", "musicName": "無", "weight": 13, "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "basic-qf0qgb0cgk": { "id": "basic-qf0qgb0cgk", "type": "basic", "sortable": true, "primaryObj": { "oid": "7d34da410a742593695f1a84144ccc69", "fileType": "video", "fileURI": "", "level": "primary", "title": "2023 English Integration", "desc": "", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "background": "", "mfid": "f9c248fc70098a47abece87a7943d98d", "musicURL": "", "musicName": "", "fileCreator": "", "rights": "中研院資訊所", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "著作權利所有-僅能瀏覽", "fileDisableLink": "1", "sourceID": "", "creator": "", "fileOversize": false }, "title": "Figures and their Career in Qingshilu", "desc": "<h2>We made an automated system to capture the figures, officials and related information in Qingshilu, and demonstrated the statistics and observation in analysis, including reference, example and source.<br></h2><br><a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\">link</a>", "musicName": "無", "weight": 14, "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "basic-edlj99raf6": { "id": "basic-edlj99raf6", "type": "basic", "sortable": true, "primaryObj": { "oid": "7d34da410a742593695f1a84144ccc69", "fileType": "video", "fileURI": "", "level": "primary", "title": "2023 English Integration", "desc": "", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "background": "", "mfid": "01448450f4799aa98c90620d362074b7", "musicURL": "", "musicName": "", "fileCreator": "", "rights": "中研院資訊所", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "著作權利所有-僅能瀏覽", "fileDisableLink": "1", "sourceID": "", "creator": "", "fileOversize": false }, "title": "Auto-Labeling the Name and Officials in Han Codices", "desc": "<h2>This is an automated system to recognize historical figures, positions, and their connections.<br></h2><br><a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\">link</a>", "musicName": "無", "weight": 15, "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "basic-g09f1i8r6n": { "id": "basic-g09f1i8r6n", "type": "basic", "sortable": true, "primaryObj": { "oid": "f1c0d3d1149b7ff95868c76b41bb12b0", "fileType": "image", "fileURI": "", "level": "primary", "title": "CKIP-1", "desc": "", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "background": "", "mfid": "244cddaf42182289feb7ce6bd0e09686", "musicURL": "", "musicName": "", "fileCreator": "", "rights": "中研院資訊所", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "著作權利所有-可用於本站提供的服務", "fileDisableLink": "1", "sourceID": "", "creator": "", "fileOversize": false }, "title": "Automated Word Segmentation and Part-of-Speech Tagging for Han Codices", "desc": "<h2>Recent pretrained Chinese language models are mostly trained upon corpus in simplified Chinese. While they are complicated and versatile, Chinese codices are often in traditional Chinese and the writing style are quite different with today's one. Hence, we modified pretrained models for Chinese codices.&nbsp;<br></h2><div>The above picture shows the result using <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\">this system</a></div>", "musicName": "無", "weight": 16, "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "basic-aeieahbp31": { "id": "basic-aeieahbp31", "type": "basic", "sortable": true, "primaryObj": { "oid": "7d34da410a742593695f1a84144ccc69", "fileType": "video", "fileURI": "", "level": "primary", "title": "2023 English Integration", "desc": "", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "background": "", "mfid": "91853e3065ad79138a8a33c8366a58cc", "musicURL": "", "musicName": "", "fileCreator": "", "rights": "中研院資訊所", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "著作權利所有-僅能瀏覽", "fileDisableLink": "1", "sourceID": "", "creator": "", "fileOversize": false }, "title": "Automated Word Segmentation for Han Corpora", "desc": "<h2>This video shows the results for corpora in &nbsp;different era.<br></h2>", "musicName": "無", "weight": 17, "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "theme-9jqk4y38sh": { "id": "theme-9jqk4y38sh", "type": "theme", "sortable": true, "primaryObj": { "oid": "a91efd8cbd6ef699f08116191538dbb3", "fileType": "image", "fileURI": "", "level": "primary", "title": "CKIP-2/合作圖", "desc": "", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "background": "", "mfid": "bc69e738625d67ecfaade86dc2bfe0b8", "musicURL": "", "musicName": "", "fileCreator": "", "rights": "中研院資訊所", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "著作權利所有-僅能瀏覽", "fileDisableLink": "1", "sourceID": "", "creator": "", "fileOversize": false }, "title": "Benefits and Cooperation", "desc": "請輸入頁面說明", "musicName": "無", "weight": 18, "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "text-d2kgatwv40": { "id": "text-d2kgatwv40", "type": "text", "sortable": true, "musicName": "無", "weight": 19, "title": "Benefits", "desc": "<div>In this project, we use large language models (LLMs) to generate detailed event summary descriptions for training data and use this to train specialized models. Whether in natural language understanding (NLU) or generation (NLG), LLMs possess both common and specialized knowledge and demonstrates excellent generalization abilities. It operates well with few or even no samples, aligning with our project goals, and showcases the assistance of a large language model in automating the construction of historical figures' conceptual frameworks.</div><div><br></div><div>The collected and cleaned data on biographical information and event summary descriptions of individuals from the Qing Dynasty in the project will be made available for download, free for use by scholars.</div>", "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "text-h6q1xa0gqp": { "id": "text-h6q1xa0gqp", "type": "text", "sortable": true, "musicName": "無", "weight": 20, "title": "Cooperation", "desc": "<b>Academia Sinica Center for Digital Cultures<br></b><i></i><b></b>◎ Automated System of EEG for Historical Figure<br><div>◎ Confidence Rating System to Terminologies</div><div>◎ Word Segmentation and POS tagging tools<br><br></div><b>Institute of History and Philology (IHP), Academia Sinica</b><br>◎ Integrated Rating&nbsp;System for Terminologies to Scripta Sinica database<br><br><b>Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica<br></b><b></b>◎&nbsp;Word Segmentation and POS tagging system for Han Corpus, including manual inspection, and ranging from antiquity&nbsp;to&nbsp;modern era<br>", "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "theme-kj7vveavux": { "id": "theme-kj7vveavux", "type": "theme", "sortable": true, "primaryObj": { "oid": "a9d9a68f4b5a95ff77802756ac8fa051", "fileType": "image", "fileURI": "", "level": "primary", "title": "玉山新娘紗", "desc": "清晨,我們登上主峰等待日出,這神奇美麗的細條狀雲氣,不斷從山谷往上拋升,持續以優雅的速度和姿態越過山峰。在金色晨曦中,這神秘美麗的雲氣時而朦朧夢幻如新娘紗,時而纖細飄逸像仙子的髮絲,又像是精靈從山谷拋上來的彩帶,歡呼著又一個美麗早晨,又一個美好的一天!", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "background": "", "mfid": "174325568ea42026b2f431498fa57b1c", "musicURL": "", "musicName": "", "fileCreator": "大貓", "rights": "數位島嶼", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "創用CC 姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享", "fileDisableLink": "0", "sourceID": "", "creator": "", "fileOversize": false }, "title": "Future Work", "desc": "請輸入頁面說明", "musicName": "無", "weight": 21, "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "text-jdnrb68kof": { "id": "text-jdnrb68kof", "type": "text", "sortable": true, "musicName": "無", "weight": 22, "title": "Improvement", "desc": "Due to limitations in computational power, smaller models may face challenges in terms of control and reasoning abilities. <br>Therefore, we intend to use reinforcement learning techniques to enhance the control capabilities of the model, enabling it to meet various requirements we expect the model should have. Additionally, we plan to utilize thought chaining techniques to improve reasoning capabilities.", "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "text-p31zoffcqk": { "id": "text-p31zoffcqk", "type": "text", "sortable": true, "musicName": "無", "weight": 23, "title": "Application", "desc": "As a follow-up application to this research, we propose a project about virtual guides, demonstrating the practical value of this automation technology. 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Automatic Extraction of Historical Figures and Events (2) – Automatic Construction of Historical Figure Event Graph Wei-Yun Ma, Yu-Ming (Morris) Hsieh, Chin-Tung Li, Yin-Hsiang Liao