Multiple Representational Perspectives pf Burmese Songs and Dances Across Time and Space

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"fileOversize": false, "level": "primary" }, "musicText": "", "musicURL": "", "title": "The Records of Qing Dynasty Official Historians", "desc": "In addition to a diplomatic event where the Pyu State presented music as tribute during China’s Tang Dynasty, the poet Yuan Zhen also wrote a poem in the New Yuefu style entitled \"Pyu Music\" where he described Burmese music as mournful lament, and Burmese dance as rigid and stiff. In 1788, the Konbaung Dynasty sent a similar tribute to Beijing of musicians and dances. Consistent with the official format, Qing Dynasty historical records focused on the shape and measurements of musical instruments in the ensemble, and on descriptions of the clothing and accessories, with scant descriptions of dance postures, or timbre, etc. However, a detailed and accurate illustration was preserved in an illustrated compendium (會典圖).<br><br><span>Historically, foreign music, including the music of Myanmar, was referred to in China as “yi music” where the character for “yi” (夷) had derogatory connotations. However, Burmese music was categorized by Qing Dynasty historians as one of nine classes of Qing Dynasty court banquet music. Placed in the category of “Music and dance from the Four Fringes” (四裔樂舞), where the character for fringe territory (yi, 裔) had a more neutral connotation conveyed a respect for difference. It can be said that while learning about the mainstream culture of China’s central plains, Qing Dynasty historians tended toward a posture of benevolent governance and transliterated the Burmese names of instruments into Chinese. This also contributed to a growing respect for Burmese musical culture, which had been previously disparaged as “yi” (夷).<br></span><br>Qing historians applied the customary Chinese ritualistic music system, which classified music as either “coarse” or “fine” according to instrument combinations and sound quality. “Coarse” music is a near-equivalent of the&nbsp;<i>doe-bat waìng</i>&nbsp;(two-faced&nbsp;drum) ensembles which included sonorous, booming percussion instruments such as the&nbsp;<i>bjo</i>&nbsp;(long drum), the&nbsp;<i>ci wain</i>&nbsp;(gong circle), the&nbsp;<i>hne</i>&nbsp;(oboe), and the&nbsp;<i>linkwin</i>&nbsp;(cymbals). “Fine” music included gentle wind and string instruments such as the&nbsp;<i>palwei</i>&nbsp;(vertical flute),&nbsp;<i>saùng-gauk</i>&nbsp;(harp),&nbsp;<i>mi gyaun</i>&nbsp;(zither), and&nbsp;<i>tayaw</i>&nbsp;(fiddle).", "displayMode": "fixed-width" }, "imgs-fzwe82ixaf": { "id": "imgs-fzwe82ixaf", "type": "imgs", "sortable": true, "multiObjs": [ { 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Painted in a claborate-style, these “chronicle” illustrations praised the successes of King Minton Min. In the “Spring Plowing Festival” scene of the wooden-slip sketch book, the King and his ministers are depicted with plows-in-hand, driving oxen to cultivate the land, as they pray for rain and a bountiful harvest. The illustration also included a variety of music and dance, including the dance of divine birds by&nbsp;<i>kinnari</i>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<i>kinnara</i>,&nbsp;<i>a̱nyeint</i><span>&nbsp;dances, and folk dances.<br><br></span><i>Kinnari</i>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<i>kinnara</i>&nbsp;are half-human, half-bird deities in<i>&nbsp;Theravāda&nbsp;</i><span>Buddhism. They are the gods of music&nbsp;adept at singing and dancing in the heavenly court of Buddhist theology. Usually performed as a dance duet in contemporary Burmese court dance, the dancers represent the male and female deities.<br></span><br>Another partial image of a “Merit and Virtue Dharma Assembly” detailed the royal family of King Minton Min donating daily implements such as Buddhist fans, alms bowls, palm-leaf&nbsp;<i>parabeik</i>&nbsp;manuscripts, etc. Painted in the lower right corner are dancers who entertained the royalty after the dharma assembly.", "displayMode": "fixed-width" }, "imgs-m1c9kc7aho": { "id": "imgs-m1c9kc7aho", "type": "imgs", "sortable": true, "multiObjs": [ { "oid": "9dd4a8a8a72c8101342c0d71e5b586d7", "title": "撣族的孔雀舞", "desc": "木簡繪本局部", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "background": "", "mfid": "4bea6b68db103033b42d04fa8d5b41ef", "musicURL": "", "musicName": "", "fileURI": "", "fileType": "image", "fileCreator": "", "rights": "大英圖書館 The British Library", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "著作權利所有-可用於本站提供的服務", "fileDisableLink": "1", 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The folk drum dance,&nbsp;<i>bathein htee</i>&nbsp;(oil paper umbrellas), the Shan peacock dance, and donations of supplies to the monks during these festivals seem to mirror ritual scenes depicted by Burmese court painters, and provide a glimpse into the similarities and differences between the two spatiotemporal contexts.", "displayMode": "fixed-width" }, "embed_html-3s2sc54ayl": { "id": "embed_html-3s2sc54ayl", "type": "embed_html", "sortable": true, "weight": 4, "embed_html": "<iframe id=\"muse-iframe\" src=\"\" frameborder=\"0\" width=\"100%\" height=\"800px\"></iframe>" }, "text-p02mbdxqlv": { "id": "text-p02mbdxqlv", "type": "text", "sortable": true, "musicName": "無", "weight": 5, "desc": "<a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\">Return to the Main Exhibition</a><br>", "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "thanks": { "id": "thanks", "type": "thanks", "sortable": false, "thanksList": { "呂心純 Tasaw Lu": { "rights": "呂心純 Tasaw Lu", "rightsLogo": "", "obj": [ 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