
The Hong Kong Tsung Tsin Mission and renowned Hakka Studies scholar, Lo Hsiang-lin
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The Tsung Tsin Mission founded eight churches on Hong Kong Island, in Kowloon, and in the New Territories.<br></span><br>By 1925, the local diocese of the Hong Kong Tsung Tsin Mission had reached a level of maturity. Due to continued expansion and financial independence, the Tsung Tsin Mission leaves the auspices of the Basel Mission to become self-governing, which enabled missionaries to continue to develop new parishes in other areas.<br>", "musicName": "無", "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "basic-f09k7gkk6c": { "id": "basic-f09k7gkk6c", "type": "basic", "sortable": true, "primaryObj": { "oid": "4d997b9fab62c9478410b4c95c3ce90c", "fileType": "image", "fileURI": "", "level": "primary", "title": "西營盤救恩堂", "desc": "", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "background": "", "mfid": "39d2e000e8c552013868187f8c05e9ff", "fileCreator": "陳彥楷 Benny Chan", "rights": "中研院民族所博物館 Museum of the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "創用CC 姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享", "fileDisableLink": "1", "fileOversize": false }, "title": "西營盤救恩堂", "desc": "<span><b>Sai Wan </b><b>Kau Yan Church<br></b></span><br><br>韓山明牧師於1851年在西環設立禮拜堂,是現今香港崇真會救恩堂的前身。1932年新堂建成,取名為救恩堂,是巴色差會在香港最早設立的教堂,也是香港最早使用客語傳福音和禮拜的教堂。<br><br>In&nbsp;1851, the Reverend Theodore Hamberg established a&nbsp;chapel&nbsp;in the Sai Wan area, which is now the Tsung Tsin Mission of&nbsp;Hong Kong&nbsp;Kau Yan Church. The new chapel was built in 1932 and renamed the Kau Yan Church, becoming the first Basel Mission church in Hong Kong, as well as the first church in Hong Kong to preach and conduct services in Hakka language.&nbsp;<br>", "weight": 2, "musicName": "無", "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "basic-4nva7xcndw": { "id": "basic-4nva7xcndw", "type": "basic", "sortable": true, "primaryObj": { "oid": "efae5becfe68847349065d19647412d4", "fileType": "image", "fileURI": "", "level": "primary", "title": "筲箕灣崇真堂", "desc": "", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "background": "", "mfid": "da4269108e2a0493e0d8929d3d3504e5", "fileCreator": "吳君儀 Krystie Ng", "rights": "中研院民族所博物館 Museum of the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "創用CC 姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享", "fileDisableLink": "1", "fileOversize": false }, "title": "筲箕灣崇真堂", "desc": "<b>The Tsung Tsin Mission Hall in Shau Kei Wan</b><br><br><br>筲箕灣位於香港島的東面,1862年巴色差會在此設立據點。根據記載,筲箕灣曾是接受太平天國逃難者的重地之一。如今筲箕灣崇真堂和筲箕灣崇真小學依然在當地矗立。<br><br>Shau Kei Wan is located on eastern Hong Kong Island. The Basel Mission established a location here in 1862. According to records, Shau Kei Wan was among the key locations where Taiping Heavenly Kingdom followers sought refuge. The Tsung Tsin Mission Hall in Shau Kei Wan and Tsung Tsin Mission Primary School in Shau Kei Wan have remained operational to this day.<br>", "weight": 3, "musicName": "無", "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "basic-32o4tdl5j0": { "id": "basic-32o4tdl5j0", "type": "basic", "sortable": true, "primaryObj": { "oid": "c097ee54030577e6ef117e5c2847aa2a", "fileType": "image", "fileURI": "", "level": "primary", "title": "土瓜灣堂(旺角堂)內部 Interior of To Kwa Wan Church (Mong Kok Church)", "desc": "", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "background": "", "mfid": "700951cff93d8d2e209266796a8e1407", "fileCreator": "", "rights": "巴色差會使命21檔案館", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "著作權利所有-可用於本站提供的服務", "fileDisableLink": "1", "fileOversize": false }, "title": "土瓜灣堂(旺角堂)", "desc": "<span><b>To Kwa Wan Church&nbsp;(</b><b>Mongkok Tsung Tsin Church)</b></span><br><br><br>1890年成立,1938年遷址至九龍城,並且由於信徒人數持續增加,又幾經搬遷至新蒲崗,最後1988年遷到位於旺角塘尾道的現址,改為「旺角崇真堂」作為宣道和辦學的場所。後遷址至九龍城。<br><br>This church was first founded in&nbsp;1890, and relocated to Kowloon City in 1938. The church relocated several times to San Po Kong as the number of parishioners grew, until it moved to its location on Tong Mi Road in Mongkok, and was renamed Mongkok Tsung Tsin Church as a place for proselytizing and schooling. It was subsequently relocated to Kowloon City.<br>", "weight": 4, "musicName": "無", "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "imgs-igr694quiz": { "id": "imgs-igr694quiz", "type": "imgs", "sortable": true, "multiObjs": [ { "oid": "f759c05d71c40c9558196b6e107d963c", "title": "香港粉嶺龍躍頭崇謙堂", "desc": "", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "background": "", "mfid": "eea008889b5ca52038bd3f4c085fd658", "fileURI": "", "fileType": "image", "fileCreator": "陳彥楷 Benny Chan", "rights": "中研院民族所博物館 Museum of the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "創用CC 姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享", "fileDisableLink": "1", "fileOversize": false, "level": "primary" }, { "oid": "ee18fa9181288a2b7c48405c046fe913", "title": "香港粉嶺龍躍頭崇謙堂", "desc": "", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "background": "", "mfid": "7e82b73b05d210a8d1bf59a91c3f3ce1", "fileURI": "", "fileType": "image", "fileCreator": "陳彥楷 Benny Chan", "rights": "中研院民族所博物館 Museum of the Institute 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"rights": "中研院民族所博物館 Museum of the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "創用CC 姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享", "fileDisableLink": "1", "fileOversize": false, "level": "primary" }, "title": "粉嶺龍躍頭崇謙堂", "desc": "<b>Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong Fanling Tsung Kyam Church</b><br><br><br>位於香港新界粉嶺龍躍頭的崇謙堂,是巴色差會於1903年設立據點,當地村落也以崇謙堂村為名,擁有「客家基督徒模範村」之譽。<br><br>Located in Hong Kong New Territories, the Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong Fanling Tsung Kyam Church was a foothold established by the Basel Mission in 1903. The local village, Tsung Kyam Church Village, took its name from the church and was regarded as a model village for Hakka Christians.<br>", "musicName": "無", "musicText": "", "musicURL": "", "displayMode": "fixed-width" }, "basic-gwe7i1g2ts": { "id": "basic-gwe7i1g2ts", "type": "basic", "sortable": true, "primaryObj": { "oid": "46ca29ab69b9893b8ecc4e90544f422c", "fileType": "image", "fileURI": "", "level": "primary", "title": "羅香林的著作《客家研究導論》(1933)與《客家史料匯編》(1965)", "desc": "", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "background": "", "mfid": "14247c6507c9b9c3b54be7e8e77f7a50", "fileCreator": "", "rights": "洪登欽", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "著作權利所有-僅能瀏覽", "fileDisableLink": "1", "fileOversize": false }, "title": "羅香林與香港崇真會", "desc": "<div><b>Lo Hsiang-lin and the Hong Kong Tsung Tsin Mission<br></b><br><br>羅香林祖籍廣東興寧,在1949年底遷居香港粉嶺聯合墟後,經常到附近的崇真教會崇謙堂聽道,並於1951年1月28日與多位家人同時受洗。羅香林積極參與崇真會的教務,歷任崇謙堂董事會副主席、長老、幼稚園校監。並在1977年被推舉為香港崇真會會長。</div><div><span><br>羅香林的故鄉興寧縣,早在19世紀後期便建立起巴色差會的據點,20世紀上半葉該縣的坪塘鎮更成為該會神學院所在地,然而羅香林早年在興寧縣似乎並未接觸基督教。<br><br></span>A native of Xingning in Guangdong Province, Lo Hsiang-lin moved to Luen Wo Hui in Hong Kong’s Fanling district in 1949, and often went to the services at nearby Tsung Tsin Tsung Kyam Church. He was baptized along with several family members on&nbsp;January&nbsp;28,&nbsp;1951. &nbsp;<span>Lo Hsiang-lin actively participated in the teaching at Tsung Tsin Mission, and served as vice chair of the Tsung Kyam Church board of directors, as an elder, and as the kindergarten superintendent. He was elected as President of Tsung Tsin Mission Association of Hong Kong In 1977.<br></span><br>The Bazel Mission had established a location in Lo Hsiang-lin's hometown of Xingning County as early as&nbsp;the late&nbsp;19th&nbsp;century. And the county’s Pingtang Town was the location of the mission society’s seminary for the first half of the 20th&nbsp;century. However, Lo Hsiang-lin did not appear to have had contact with Christian teachings in his early years in Xingning County.<br></div>", "weight": 6, "musicName": "無", "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "basic-gh36jm9xla": { "id": "basic-gh36jm9xla", "type": "basic", "sortable": true, "primaryObj": { "oid": "079e2b4893c139e8e3a492afd7a188b5", "fileType": "image", "fileURI": "", "level": "primary", "title": "香港粉嶺龍躍頭崇謙堂", "desc": "", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "background": "", "mfid": "2e172944f85fcf9a2a380efe31eb1e8b", "fileCreator": "陳彥楷 Benny Chan", "rights": "中研院民族所博物館 Museum of the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica", "rightsLogo": "", "fileLicence": "創用CC 姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享", "fileDisableLink": "1", "fileOversize": false }, "title": "羅香林留下的客家學研究議題", "desc": "<b>Hakka studies issues left by Lo Hsiang-lin</b><br><br><br>羅香林關於客家源流的著述是客家研究中重要的文獻,然而客家社會與學界卻甚少討論羅香林與巴色差會間的關係。<br><br>《客家研究導論》一書中,羅香林梳理客家研究的歷史時,曾提及E. J. Eitel、George Compbell等巴色差會的西方傳教士對於「客家」的論述,但似乎未意識到該教派傳教對象的特殊之處;而在1950年出版的《客家源流考》當中,羅香林則評價傳教士在客籍地區所記錄的文獻資料「見聞正確」。<br><br>羅香林雖然在來到香港後改宗基督教,然而綜觀其客家學說形成過程,除了時間早於其改宗基督教,依據學者見解,似亦未受過多西方傳教士的影響,也未意識到巴色差會針對客家族群傳教的特殊性與鑄造「Hakka·客家」之間的關係。<br><br><span>The body of work on the ethnic origins of the Hakka that Lo Hsiang-lin left behind because an important reference for Hakka studies, however, his connection with the Basel Mission Society is rarely discussed among the Hakka community and in academic circles.<br><br></span><span>In his work <i>Introduction to Hakka Studies, </i>Lo Hsiang-lin combs through the history of Hakka Studies and mentions the discourses on Hakka by Western Basel missionaries including</span>&nbsp;E.J.Eitel, and George Compbell,&nbsp;but seemed unaware of the particularities of the mission’s target group for proselytizing. In the 1950 publication Hakka <i>Lineage </i>(客家源流考<span>), Lo evaluated the materials recorded by missionaries in Hakka regions as “observationally accurate.”<br><br></span>Although Lo Hsiang-lin converted to Christianity after arriving in Hong Kong, experts believe his process of forming the field of Hakka studies did not seem to have been influenced by Western missionaries, beyond his early conversion, nor was he aware of the specificities of the Basel Mission’s missionary work and how it shaped the ideas of the Hakka·客家.<br>", "weight": 7, "musicName": "無", "musicText": "", "musicURL": "" }, "imgs-z627qxkizu": { "id": "imgs-z627qxkizu", "type": "imgs", "sortable": true, "multiObjs": [ { "oid": "2651d042c3f108d96f7139553b971f1f", "title": "羅香林教授紀念集封底", "desc": "", "thumbURI": "", "thumbMediumURI": "", "thumbBigURI": "", "background": "", "mfid": "01f383b7ee2cce735cf45ce806196946", "fileURI": "", "fileType": "image", "fileCreator": "", "rights": "香港崇真會", "rightsLogo": "", 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