<b>The Butterflies and Ecology of Taiwan :</b><br><b>An Exhibition of Illustrations<br><br><a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">中文</a>|<a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">English</a></b>
楊孝慈 國立雲林科技大學教授
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"title": "台灣蝴蝶生態圖插畫展",
"desc": "<b>The Butterflies and Ecology of Taiwan :</b><br><b>An Exhibition of Illustrations<br><br><a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\">中文</a>|<a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\">English</a></b>",
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"desc": "歡迎看畫賞蝶,插畫展覽共有16幅的台灣蝴蝶生態圖,插畫選自於繪本:《7+9種花蜜:小紫斑蝶的尋蜜之旅》,為雲科大應外系楊孝慈教授帶領團隊所創作的生態繪本,插畫主要由李俊儀和柳菊良兩位畫家構圖完成,畫作展現了台灣蝴蝶的豐富面貌,以及多樣的生態環境,希望大家賞蝶惜蝶,保育生態,守護台灣,開創蝴蝶王國的美譽。<br><br><a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\" class=\"lightbox-link js-mfp-iframe\">關於</a><br><a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\">計畫網址</a>",
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"title": "Butterflies in Taiwan/",
"desc": "在台灣會過冬的紫斑蝶家族\n\n每年秋冬,台灣紫斑蝶開始由北向南飛行越冬,比較為人熟知的地方是高雄茂林的紫蝶幽谷,在2003年大英博物館出版Butterflies的書中,和墨西哥帝王斑蝶谷,並列為全世界最大的兩個越冬型蝴蝶谷。\n\n紫斑蝶因為棲地開發而數量驟減,所幸愛蝶人士積極透過輿論和教育等活動,已經逐步規劃和維護自然保護區,好讓紫斑蝶能飛來過冬跨年。\n\n紫斑蝶家族裡,最大的蝴蝶是大紫斑蝶,就是在生態圖中間靠左一點的大蝴蝶。可惜的是,大紫斑蝶在1960年代就滅絕了,是什麼原因造成的呢?\n\n如何分辨紫蝶? \n推薦閱讀 紫蝶生態網\n_In late autumn or early winter, purple butterflies fly from north to south and spend the winter in one of the warm valleys at the foot of the Central Mountain Range. Several of these are located in the Maolin district of Kaohsiung, and are collectively referred to as the “purple butterfly valley.” According to the book Butterflies published by the British Museum in 2003, Maolin ranks, along with the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve in central Mexico where the eastern population of the North American monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) spend the winter, as one of the two largest butterfly overwintering sites in the world.\n\nIn the past few years, various events have been held promoting butterfly watching in Taiwan, as well as awareness of the need to protect the fragile ecosystem on which their continued existence depends.\n\nAt the center of the picture, slightly to the left, is a Taiwan large crow (Euploea phaenareta), which is the largest type of crow butterfly in Taiwan. Why did this species go extinct in the 1960s?",
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"title": "No.1 在台灣會過冬的紫斑蝶家族",
"desc": "The purple butterfly family overwintering in Taiwan<br><br><span>每年秋冬,台灣紫斑蝶開始由北向南飛行越冬,比較為人熟知的地方是<u>高雄茂林</u>的<u>紫蝶幽谷</u>,在</span>2003年大英博物館出版Butterflies的書中,和墨西哥帝王斑蝶谷,並列為全世界最大的兩個越冬型蝴蝶谷。<br><br>紫斑蝶因為棲地開發而數量驟減,所幸愛蝶人士積極透過輿論和教育等活動,已經逐步規劃和維護自然保護區,好讓紫斑蝶能飛來過冬跨年。<br><br>紫斑蝶家族裡,最大的蝴蝶是大紫斑蝶,就是在生態圖中間靠左一點的大蝴蝶。可惜的是,大紫斑蝶在1960<span>年代就滅絕了,是什麼原因造成的呢?<br></span><br>如何分辨紫蝶?<br>推薦閱讀 <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\">紫蝶生態網</a><br><a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\" class=\"lightbox-link js-mfp-iframe\">小測驗</a><br><br><a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\" class=\"lightbox-link js-mfp-iframe\">查看圖中的蝴蝶名稱</a><br><br><br>",
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"title": "Butterflies in Taiwan",
"desc": "早春八寶蝴蝶\n\n每到早春,就會期待與這些蝴蝶相遇。八寶蝴蝶通常指的是升天鳳蝶、木生鳳蝶、斑鳳蝶、黃星斑鳳蝶、黃領蛺蝶、巒大鉅灰蝶、杉谷琉璃小灰蝶、尖灰蝶...等八種蝴蝶。\n\n圖片裡有三隻蝴蝶是尖灰蝶,看出來了嗎?_These butterflies emerge from their pupal cases only in spring, after a long period of time in the chrysalis, totaling eight butterfly species. However, three butterflies in the picture belong to the same species. Can you find them?",
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"fileCreator": "楊孝慈",
"rights": "中央研究院生命科學圖書館 Life Science Library",
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"title": "No.2 早春八寶蝴蝶",
"desc": "<span>Eight butterflies in spring<br><br></span>每到早春,就會期待與這些蝴蝶相遇。<br><br>圖片裡有三隻蝴蝶是尖灰蝶,看出來了嗎?<br><br><a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\" class=\"lightbox-link js-mfp-iframe\">查看圖中的蝴蝶名稱</a><br><br><br>",
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"title": "Butterflies in Taiwan",
"desc": "寬尾鳳蝶生態圖\n\n台灣的寬尾鳳蝶有寬大的尾突,飛行在天空時,宛如滑翔機,輕盈的飄過天際。\n\nQ:寬尾鳳蝶的雌蝶和雄蝶外觀相似,那雄蝶要如何找到雌蝶呢?\n(答案:雄蝶會產生費洛蒙,吸引雌蝶)Youtube推薦觀看:\n搜尋「來自幽谷的傳奇-寬尾鳳蝶 」(雪霸國家公園)\n\n推薦展覽:\n寬尾鳳蝶常設展覽(宜蘭自然史教育館3樓)_The broad-tailed swallowtail flies elegantly like a hang glider because of its wide hindwings.\n\nQ: The male and the female look nearly the same, so how do you thinkthe male finds the female?(Answer: The male uses pheromone to attract the female.)",
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"title": "No.3 台灣國蝶:寬尾鳳蝶",
"desc": "National butterfly of Taiwan: Broad-tailed swallowtail butterfly<br><br>台灣的寬尾鳳蝶有寬大的尾突,飛行在天空時,宛如滑翔機,輕盈的飄過天際。<br><br><div><b>Q:寬尾鳳蝶的雌蝶和雄蝶外觀相似,那雄蝶要如何找到雌蝶呢?</b></div><div><b>(答案:雄蝶會產生費洛蒙,吸引雌蝶)</b><br><br></div><a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\" class=\"lightbox-link js-mfp-iframe\">認識寬尾鳳蝶</a><br><a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\" class=\"lightbox-link js-mfp-iframe\">答答看</a><br>Learn about broad-tailed swallowtails.<br><br><b>Youtube推薦觀看:</b><br>搜尋「來自幽谷的傳奇-寬尾鳳蝶 」(雪霸國家公園)<br><br><b>推薦展覽:</b><br>寬尾鳳蝶常設展覽(宜蘭自然史教育館3樓)<br><br><a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\" class=\"lightbox-link js-mfp-iframe\">查看圖中的蝴蝶名稱</a><br><br><br>",
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"title": "Butterflies in Taiwan",
"desc": "枯葉蝶生態圖\n\n圖片裡的蝴蝶合起翅膀時,看起來就像枯葉,包括:枯葉蝶、端紅蝶和黃蛺蝶,牠們偽裝在棲地裡,你看得出來牠們躲在哪裡嗎?_Butterflies in the picture are masters of disguise. Their camouflaging abilities keep them hidden from their predators when they close their wings to blend into their surroundings. See if you can spot the butterflies hiding in the picture.",
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"fileCreator": "楊孝慈",
"rights": "中央研究院生命科學圖書館 Life Science Library",
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"title": "No.4 玩躲貓貓的蝴蝶",
"desc": "Butterflies playing peekaboo<br><br><span>圖片裡的蝴蝶合起翅膀時,看起來就像枯葉,包括:枯葉蝶、端紅蝶和黃蛺蝶,牠們偽裝在棲地裡,你看得出來牠們躲在哪裡嗎?<br></span><b><br><a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\" class=\"lightbox-link js-mfp-iframe\">認識枯葉蝶</a><br></b><b><br></b><a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\" class=\"lightbox-link js-mfp-iframe\">查看圖中的蝴蝶名稱</a><br><b><br><br></b>",
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"title": "Uncle Niu's garden",
"desc": "牛伯伯生態圖\n\n從一片荒地開始,到現在愛蝶人口中的牛伯伯蝴蝶生態園區,是牛伯伯對環境的疼惜與愛護。牛伯伯蝴蝶生態園區已是台灣具代表性的賞蝶環教地點之一。\n\n牛伯伯種植黃裳鳳蝶幼蟲愛吃的食草植物,而且栽培分送給大家,希望家家戶戶在庭院或窗邊栽種,就能在家迎蝶了。\n\n你知道黃裳鳳蝶的幼蟲愛吃什麼嗎?\n\n答案:馬兜鈴_Inspired by his love of butterflies, Uncle Niu transformed a piece of unused land into the Butterfly Ecological Park, which is now one of the most popular destinations in Taiwan for butterfly watching.",
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"title": "No.5 復育黃裳鳳蝶的牛伯伯蝴蝶園",
"desc": "<div><div>Uncle Niu’s butterfly garden preserving golden birdwings<br><br>從一片荒地開始,到現在愛蝶人口中的牛伯伯蝴蝶生態園區,是牛伯伯對環境的疼惜與愛護。牛伯伯蝴蝶生態園區已是台灣具代表性的賞蝶環教地點之一。( <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\" class=\"lightbox-link js-mfp-iframe\">關於牛伯伯</a> )<br><br></div><div><div>牛伯伯種植黃裳鳳蝶幼蟲愛吃的食草植物,而且栽培分送給大家,希望家家戶戶在庭院或窗邊栽種,就能在家迎蝶了。<br><br></div><div>你知道黃裳鳳蝶的幼蟲愛吃什麼嗎?<br><div><br></div>答案:馬兜鈴<br><br><a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\" class=\"lightbox-link js-mfp-iframe\">查看圖中的蝴蝶名稱</a><br><br><br></div></div></div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>",
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"title": "Butterflies in Taiwan",
"desc": "珠光鳳蝶展翅約14公分,雌蝶比雄蝶略大,是台灣地區最大型的蝴蝶,但僅分布於蘭嶼,為台灣特有瀕臨絕種的保育類蝴蝶。\n\n雄蝶後翅的金黃色大片斑塊會隨光線角度而閃現藍、紫、青、綠等螢光,世界少見。由於棲地開發與商業捕捉,數量銳減,脆弱生態,岌岌可危。\n\n珠光鳳蝶外觀相似於黃裳鳳蝶,你能看出牠們異同的特徵嗎?_The Magellan birdwing is endemic to Orchid Island, off the southeastern coast of Taiwan. It is the third largest species worldwide. It is around 14cm when it opens its wings. From different angles under the sunlight, some iridescent colors appearon the ventral sides of the male lower wings. What colors do you see?",
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"fileCreator": "楊孝慈",
"rights": "中央研究院生命科學圖書館 Life Science Library",
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"title": "No.6 台灣最大的蝴蝶: 珠光鳳蝶",
"desc": "<span>The largest butterfly in Taiwan: Magellan birdwing<br></span>(只產於蘭嶼)<br><br>珠光鳳蝶展翅約14公分,雌蝶比雄蝶略大,是台灣地區最大型的蝴蝶,但僅分布於蘭嶼,為台灣特有瀕臨絕種的保育類蝴蝶。<br><br>雄蝶後翅的金黃色大片斑塊會隨光線角度而閃現藍、紫、青、綠等螢光,世界少見。由於棲地開發與商業捕捉,數量銳減,脆弱生態,岌岌可危。<br><br>珠光鳳蝶外觀相似於黃裳鳳蝶,你能看出牠們異同的特徵嗎?<br><a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\" class=\"lightbox-link js-mfp-iframe\">認識珠光裳鳳蝶</a> <br><br><a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\" class=\"lightbox-link js-mfp-iframe\">查看圖中的蝴蝶名稱</a><br><br><br>",
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"title": "Butterflies in Taiwan",
"desc": "閃閃發光的鳳蝶\n\n有些鳳蝶的翅膀具有金屬的光澤,翩翩飛舞之間,可見閃爍的光芒,艷麗奪目。\n翠鳳蝶的雄蝶和雌蝶,略有不同,你看得出來嗎?\n\n解說:雄蝶腹面後翅的外緣紅斑不明顯,但是背面前翅有銀色的條狀斑紋,雌蝶則無。_Some Swallowtail butterflies have iridescent wings, which shimmer as they dance in the air. \n\nThere is a slight difference between the male and female common peacock (Papilio bianor); can you see it? \n\nAnswer: The red spots are not apparent on the on the edge of the male ventral hindwings, but the male has silver stripes on its dorsal forewing. These stripes are absent on the female.",
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"title": "No.7 閃閃發光的鳳蝶",
"desc": "Sparkling Papilio<br><br>有些鳳蝶的翅膀具有金屬的光澤,翩翩飛舞之間,可見閃爍的光芒,艷麗奪目。<br><br><b>琉璃帶鳳蝶</b><b>的雄蝶和雌蝶,略有不同,你看得出來嗎?<br></b><br>解說:雄蝶腹面後翅的外緣紅斑不明顯,但是背面前翅有銀色的條狀斑紋,雌蝶則無。<a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\" class=\"lightbox-link js-mfp-iframe\">圖片</a><br><b><br><a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\" class=\"lightbox-link js-mfp-iframe\">認識琉璃帶鳳蝶</a><br><br></b><a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\" class=\"lightbox-link js-mfp-iframe\">查看圖中的蝴蝶名稱</a><br><b><br><br></b>",
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"title": "Butterflies in Taiwan",
"desc": "翩翩飛舞的斑蝶\n\n這些斑蝶訪花採蜜時,大多慢慢騰騰,翩翩起舞,因為有毒,有恃無恐,神態自若,優雅從容。\n雌紅紫蛺蝶的雌蝶,背面像黑脈樺斑蝶,腹面像樺斑蝶,為什麼牠要模仿這些斑蝶呢?\n\n解答:因為這些斑蝶有毒。_The male has pale red spots on the edge of its ventral hindwing, and silver stripes on its dorsal forewing, neither of which are seen on the female.Since this type of butterfly is poisonous, it collects nectar in a leisurely manner, free from fear of predators.\n\nThe female Danaid Eggfly mimics the ventral wings of the plain tiger and imitates the dorsal wings of the common tiger, as well as the monarch. Why does she want to do so?\n\nAnswer: Because they are toxic butterflies.",
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"title": "No.8 翩翩飛舞的斑蝶",
"desc": "Milkweed butterflies flying freely<br><br>這些斑蝶訪花採蜜時,大多慢慢騰騰,翩翩起舞,因為有毒,有恃無恐,神態自若,優雅從容。<br><br>雌紅紫蛺蝶的雌蝶,背面像黑脈樺斑蝶,腹面像樺斑蝶,為什麼牠要模仿這些斑蝶呢?<br><br>解答:因為這些斑蝶有毒。<br>Answer: Because they are toxic butterflies.<br><br><u><a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\" class=\"lightbox-link js-mfp-iframe\">帝王斑蝶</a></u><span><u><br></u><u></u></span>推薦閱讀: <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\">帝王斑蝶 維基百科</a><br><br><a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\" class=\"lightbox-link js-mfp-iframe\">查看圖中的蝴蝶名稱</a><br><br><br>",
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"title": "Butterflies in Taiwan",
"desc": "變化莫測的鳳蝶\n\n台灣的身分證正面右下角的臺灣地圖右側,有一隻蝴蝶圖案,那就是黃鳳蝶,依照蝴蝶的形狀,找看看生態圖裡的黃鳳蝶在哪裡呢?\n\n解答:圖片右邊最上面,以及右下角,一共兩隻黃鳳蝶。_In the lower right corner of the ROC identity card is an image of an old world swallowtail (Papilio machaon). Do you see the old world swallowtail in the illustration? \n\nAnswer: There are two old world swallowtails; one on the upper right, and the other on the lower right.",
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"title": "No.9 變化莫測的鳳蝶",
"desc": "Unpredictable Papilio<br><br>台灣的身分證正面右下角的臺灣地圖右側,有一隻蝴蝶圖案,那就是黃鳳蝶,依照蝴蝶的形狀,找看看生態圖裡的黃鳳蝶在哪裡呢?<br><br>解答:圖片右邊最上面,以及右下角,一共兩隻黃鳳蝶。<br><br><a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\" class=\"lightbox-link js-mfp-iframe\">認識黃鳳蝶</a><br><br><a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\" class=\"lightbox-link js-mfp-iframe\">查看圖中的蝴蝶名稱</a><br><br><br>",
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"title": "Butterflies in Taiwan",
"desc": "粉蝶與小灰蝶的共融家園\n\n這張生態圖裡的大多數蝴蝶,兩面翅膀的顏色和紋理,迴然不同;而且雌雄翅膀外觀也相異,例如左上角的蝴蝶是雌蝶,上翅有淺藍色亮紋,但是雄蝶上下翅膀有綠色亮紋,看到雄蝶了嗎?\n\n解答:圖片右邊最上面就是雄蝶。\n_The male and female of the same species often look different in terms of colors and patterns, as shown in this illustration. For example, the female butterfly in the upper left corner has light blue stripes on its dorsal forewing; by contrast, the male’s dorsal wings display a green gloss. Do you see the male?\n\nAnswer: The male appears at the top right corner.",
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"title": "No.10 粉蝶與小灰蝶的共融家園",
"desc": "Garden of Pieridae and gossamer-winged butterflies coexisting harmoniously<br><br>這張生態圖裡的大多數蝴蝶,兩面翅膀的顏色和紋理,迴然不同;而且雌雄翅膀外觀也相異,例如左上角的蝴蝶是雌蝶,上翅有淺藍色亮紋,但是雄蝶上下翅膀有綠色亮紋,看到雄蝶了嗎?<br><br>解答:圖片右邊最上面就是雄蝶。<br><br>認識<a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\" class=\"lightbox-link js-mfp-iframe\">紅紋粉蝶</a><br><br><a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\" class=\"lightbox-link js-mfp-iframe\">查看圖中的蝴蝶名稱</a><br><br><br>",
"musicName": "無",
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"musicTip": "聽導覽"
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"title": "Butterflies in Taiwan",
"desc": "不像蝴蝶的弄蝶\n\n這張生態圖裡的蝴蝶是大綠弄蝶,身體圓嘟嘟,又多毛,常被誤以為是蛾類。其實,弄蝶科的蝴蝶屬於小至中型蝴蝶,外觀和長相介於蝴蝶和蛾之間;而且觸角未端彎曲呈鉤狀,不同於其他類的蝴蝶。\n大綠弄蝶下翅尾端有橙紅斑點,為什麼長得有點像頭部,而且更寬闊明顯呢?\n解說:演化產生的尾部斑點,使得天敵以為是頭部,遭到襲擊時,可以讓弄蝶有時間逃跑!\n _The butterfly in this illustration is an Indian awlking (Choaspes benjaminii); due to its plump and hairy appearance, it’s easily mistaken for a moth. What readily distinguishes it from a moth is the curve at the end of its antennae.\n\nThe Indian awlking has orange-red spots on the posterior section of its hindwings, which have the appearance of a head. What for?\n\nAnswer: Having a false head on the posterior section of its hindwings confuses predators, thereby increasing the butterfly’s chances of escaping.",
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"title": "No.11 不像蝴蝶的挵蝶",
"desc": "Butterflies unlike butterflies<br><br><div>這張生態圖裡的蝴蝶是大綠挵蝶,身體圓嘟嘟,又多毛,常被誤以為是蛾類。其實,挵蝶科的蝴蝶屬於小至中型蝴蝶,外觀和長相介於蝴蝶和蛾之間;而且觸角未端彎曲呈鉤狀,不同於其他類的蝴蝶。</div><div><br></div>大綠挵蝶後翅尾端有橙紅斑點,為什麼長得有點像頭部,而且更寬闊明顯呢?<br><br>解說:演化產生的尾部斑點,使得天敵以為是頭部,遭到襲擊時,可以讓挵蝶有時間逃跑!<br><b><br></b>大綠挵蝶<br><br><a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\" class=\"lightbox-link js-mfp-iframe\">查看圖中的蝴蝶名稱</a><br><br><br>",
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"title": "Butterflies in Taiwan",
"desc": "喜歡喝水的蝴蝶\n\n這些蝴蝶喜歡在淺灘邊吸水,尤其是雄蝶,常會聚在一起,其實是攝取土壤裡的礦物質,來產生費洛蒙,有時候雌蝶也會來吸水喔!\n圖片裡的蝴蝶大多有尾突,只有兩種蝴蝶沒有,看到牠們了嗎?\n\n解說:沒有尾突的兩種蝴蝶包括:青帶鳳蝶和青斑鳳蝶\n_Male Indian Awlkings are often seen congregating on shoals and sand banks, where they ingest minerals from the sand, which they use to produce pheromones; they are occasionally joined by females.\n\nMost of the butterflies in this illustration have tails; can you see the two without tails?\n\nAnswer: The two butterflies include common bluebottle and common jay.",
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"rights": "中央研究院生命科學圖書館 Life Science Library",
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"title": "No.12 喜歡吸水的蝴蝶",
"desc": "Butterflies that like to drink water<br><br><div>這些蝴蝶喜歡在淺灘邊吸水,尤其是雄蝶,常會聚在一起,其實是攝取土壤裡的礦物質與微量元素,有時候雌蝶也會來吸水喔!</div><div><br></div><div>圖片裡的蝴蝶大多有尾突,只有兩種蝴蝶沒有,看到牠們了嗎?</div><div><br></div><div>解說:沒有尾突的兩種蝴蝶包括:青帶鳳蝶和青斑鳳蝶<br><br></div><b><a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\" class=\"lightbox-link js-mfp-iframe\">認識綠斑鳳蝶</a><br></b><br><a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\" class=\"lightbox-link js-mfp-iframe\">查看圖中的蝴蝶名稱</a><br><br><br>",
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"title": "Butterflies in Taiwan",
"desc": "像豹的蝴蝶\n\n環紋蝶的腹面翅膀,外緣有橙紅色的眼紋,上下翅膀各五個,像是10顆紅寶石;正面翅膀外緣有箭形圖騰,所以又稱箭環蝶,生態圖裡有兩隻,看到了嗎?\n\n解答:圖片右邊上面,和左邊中間,一共兩隻環紋蝶。_The yellow dryad (Stichophthalma Howqua) has five orange-red “eyes” on the edge of the ventral side of both wings, as well as arrow markings on the edges of the dorsal side of its wings. Do you see the two dryads in the illustration?\n\nAnswer: The two yellow dryads appear at the top of the right side and the middle of the left side.",
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"title": "No.13 像豹的蝴蝶",
"desc": "Leopard-like butterflies<br><br>環紋蝶的腹面翅膀,外緣有橙紅色的眼紋,前後翅膀各五個,像是10顆紅寶石;背面<span>翅膀外緣有箭形圖騰,所以又稱箭環蝶,生態圖裡有兩隻,看到了嗎?<br></span><br>解答:圖片右邊上面,和左邊中間,一共兩隻環紋蝶。<br><br>認識<a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\" class=\"lightbox-link js-mfp-iframe\">環紋蝶</a><br><br><a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\" class=\"lightbox-link js-mfp-iframe\">查看圖中的蝴蝶名稱</a><br><br><br>",
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"title": "Butterflies in Taiwan",
"desc": "在浪花中熱舞的鳳蝶\n\n這些蝴蝶的下翅都有白斑,連起來就像是翻滾的浪花,其中一隻蝴蝶的下翅外緣有一排紅色弦月紋,尾突特別寬大,有兩條翅脈,就是寬尾鳳蝶,牠是台灣的國蝶,看出來了嗎?_There are white spots on the hindwings of these butterflies. One of the them has a row of red crescents on the edge of its hindwings, as well as a broad tail with two veins. That is the broad-tailed swallowtail (Agehana maraho)—the national butterfly of Taiwan. Do you see it?",
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"fileCreator": "楊孝慈",
"rights": "中央研究院生命科學圖書館 Life Science Library",
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"title": "No.14 在浪花中熱舞的鳳蝶",
"desc": "Papilio dancing in the ocean waves<br><br>這些蝴蝶的後翅都有白斑,連起來就像是翻滾的浪花,其中一隻蝴蝶的後翅外緣有一排紅色弦月紋,尾突特別寬大,有兩條翅脈,就是寬尾鳳蝶,牠是台灣的國蝶,看出來了嗎?<br><b><br></b><a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\" class=\"lightbox-link js-mfp-iframe\">大紅紋鳳蝶</a><br><br><a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\" class=\"lightbox-link js-mfp-iframe\">查看圖中的蝴蝶名稱</a><br><br><br>",
"musicName": "無",
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"title": "Butterflies in Taiwan",
"desc": "黑紅相間的鳳蝶\n\n生態圖裡的前面兩隻蝴蝶是曙鳳蝶,身體和下翅的紅斑裡有黑點,看起來像是一種夏天的水果,切開來看果肉,就像是曙鳳蝶,是什麼水果呢? \n\n解答:西瓜,還是你覺得像其他什麼水果呢?_In this illustration are two aurora swallowtails (Atrophaneura horishana). The red patches with black spots inside on its ventral hindwings resemble a certain kind of fruit when it’s chopped in half. What fruit is it?\n\nAnswer: Watermelon, or you think of other fruit?",
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"title": "No.15 黑紅相間的鳳蝶",
"desc": "<span>Papilio wearing black and red clothes<br><br></span>生態圖裡的前面兩隻蝴蝶是曙鳳蝶,身體和下翅的紅斑裡有黑點,看起來像是一種夏天的水果,切開來看果肉,就像是曙鳳蝶,是什麼水果呢? <br><br>解答:西瓜,還是你覺得像其他什麼水果呢?<br><br><a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\" class=\"lightbox-link js-mfp-iframe\">曙鳳蝶</a><br><br><a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\" class=\"lightbox-link js-mfp-iframe\">查看圖中的蝴蝶名稱</a><br><br><br>",
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"title": "Butterflies in Taiwan",
"desc": "喜歡腐果更甚花蜜的蛺蝶\n\n生態圖裡有四隻大紫蛺蝶,下翅尾端有紅斑,牠們是日本的國蝶,其中一隻是雌蝶,背面翅膀為茶紫色,三隻是雄蝶,背面翅膀呈現藍紫色的光澤,還有黃色斑點,牠們在哪裡呢?\n\n解答:圖片左邊上面和左側,以及圖片右邊的上面,總共三隻大紫蛺蝶雄蝶。_In this illustration are four great purple emperors (Sasakia charonda); this butterfly has red spots on the trailing edge of its hindwing, and is the national butterfly of Japan. One is a female, distinguished by the tawny color on its dorsal wings; the males have a glossy purple-blue section on the dorsal side of their wings, as well as yellow spots. Do you see them?\n\nAnswer: The butterflies appear at the top of the left, on the left side, and at the top of the right.",
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"title": "No.16 喜歡腐果更甚花蜜的蛺蝶",
"desc": "Butterflies that prefer rotten fruit to nectar<br><br>生態圖裡有四隻大紫蛺蝶,後<span>翅尾端有紅斑,牠們是日本的國蝶,其中一隻是雌蝶,背面翅膀為茶紫色,三隻是雄蝶,背面翅膀呈現藍紫色的光澤,還有黃色斑點,牠們在哪裡呢?<br></span><br>解答:圖片左邊上面和左側,以及圖片右邊的上面,總共三隻大紫蛺蝶雄蝶。<br><br><a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\" class=\"lightbox-link js-mfp-iframe\">大紫蛺蝶</a><br><br><a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\" class=\"lightbox-link js-mfp-iframe\">查看圖中的蝴蝶名稱</a><br><br><br>",
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"desc": "喜歡腐果更甚花蜜的蛺蝶\n\n生態圖裡有四隻大紫蛺蝶,下翅尾端有紅斑,牠們是日本的國蝶,其中一隻是雌蝶,背面翅膀為茶紫色,三隻是雄蝶,背面翅膀呈現藍紫色的光澤,還有黃色斑點,牠們在哪裡呢?\n\n解答:圖片左邊上面和左側,以及圖片右邊的上面,總共三隻大紫蛺蝶雄蝶。_In this illustration are four great purple emperors (Sasakia charonda); this butterfly has red spots on the trailing edge of its hindwing, and is the national butterfly of Japan. One is a female, distinguished by the tawny color on its dorsal wings; the males have a glossy purple-blue section on the dorsal side of their wings, as well as yellow spots. Do you see them?\n\nAnswer: The butterflies appear at the top of the left, on the left side, and at the top of the right.",
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