[英文]Taidong district, Karimagari カリマガリ village. Professor Chen Chi-lu writes based on March 1959 fieldwork: @Among the Ami, pottery making is confined to women....The Ami make pottery by modeling. A lump of clay is shaped by hand in the form of the future pot. Then paddle and anvil are employed to continue the work of shaping it. The anvil, called arimoleh, is usually a round pebble (about 7 cm. in diameter) from a river bed; and the paddle (about 25-30cm wide, and 1-3cm thick) called asteteh, is made of wood. The pottery is modeled on a base, called langah....Then the pot is smoothed by hand with water. When finished, the pot is placed in the shade for four to five days, and then fired in an open space near the riverbank@ (Chen 1968, p. 110-111). The translated caption: @Women making pots (Ami tribe).@
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