[英文]Residence of the Governor General 臺灣總督官邸位於東門內,初建於明治34年(1901),大正10年(1921)大修,屋架採鋼骨,為後期文藝復興式建築,建築設計出自多人之手,初期由福田東吾及野村一郎設計,後來由森山松之助主持改築,八板志賀助亦參與之。從兒玉源太郎總督開始使用至光復前末代總督離臺為止。光復後改為臺北賓館,屬於外交部,位於今臺北市凱達格蘭大道一號,為國定古蹟。(參考資料:臺北市文化局網站,http://www.culture.gov.tw/sel1.htm) English Translation: The residence of the Governor General is inside of the East Gate. It was originally constructed in 1901 and a big renovation in 1921. The structure of the building is steel. Its design was from many architects. This building was used by governors from Kodama Gentarō till the last one before Taiwan reclamation. Afterwards, it was turned into a place for the ministry of foreign affairs in Taipei, listed as national historic relic. The street where it locates is currently named as Ketagalan Blvd, Jhongjheng District in Taipei City(NCL).
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