Ducks under Reeds
The Cleveland Museum of Art
The artist realistically represented that the Mandarin duck is a sexually dimorphic species, meaning males and females differ in appearance.
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The artist realistically represented that the Mandarin duck is a sexually dimorphic species, meaning males and females differ in appearance.
Gift of Charles L. Freer
Song Luo 宋犖 [1634–1713]
Gong Erduo 宮爾鐸 [b. 1838]
?-1915Charles L. Freer [1854–1919], Detroit. MI, given to the Cleveland Museum of Art
1915-The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH
Overall: 122.5 x 79.4 公分 (48 1/4 x 31 1/4 英吋)
1 label on mounting, dated 1796, by Yong Xing 永瑆 (Prince Cheng 成亲王, 1752-1823)
7 seals: 1 of Song Luo 宋犖 (1634-1713); 1 of Gong Erduo 宮爾鐸 (b. 1838); 5 unidentified