[英文]An Old Castle Gate of Tainan, Formosa.
[英文]Same structure and camera angle as wa0253, but with tourists carrying umbrellas in front. Note the stone tablets to the left and right of the entrance. These were later moved to the Chikanlou. 臺南市在清代為臺灣府所在,雍正元年(1729)始築木柵為城,並設7個木造城門,分別為大東門、大南門、大北門、大西門、小東門、小南門、小北門,之後又在木柵外種植莿竹、並在小南門及小北門上設置大砲以為防禦。乾隆元年(1736)將木造城門改成石造城樓,乾隆40年(1775)在西面加築小西門,乾隆53年(1788)因民亂頻起,將木柵改為土城,道光15年(1835)又築外郭、並植莿竹以為防護。至日治時期,日人為了實施市區改正,而將大部份城牆與城門拆毀,僅餘大南門、大東門、小西門保存下來。 大南門又稱寧南門,上有重簷歇山兩層城樓,城門外有半月形的外郭,今日所見大南門為民國88年(1999)重建,為第三級古蹟。 English Translation: Tainan was the city where Government Office of Taiwan located during Qing Dynasty. Wood fences around the city were constructed at the beginning of 1729, including seven wooden gates connecting the outside and the inside. Afterwards, bamboos were planted outside of fences and artilleries were placed at two gates to defense. Wooden gates were replaced by rock gates in 1736. Another gate was constructed on the west side in 1775. Later, in 1788 fences made of soil replaced the wooded ones because of frequent riots among citizens. Walls outside of the fences were constructed in 1835 and bamboos were planted for defense. Until Japanese governed the city, Japanese ruined the majority of all castle walls and gates to modify districts and streets, except for three gates: Big South Gate, Big East Gate and Small West Gate. The Big South Gate, also named as Ningnan Gate, has irimoya-style roof and two floors, surrounded by a half-moon shape wall. The Big South Gate in present days is rebuilt in 1999, as a Grade III historic relic (NCL).
1/2 divided back 郵便はがき
9公分 x 14公分