Squirrel on a Pine Branch
The squirrel on this pine tree branch glances toward a flying insect, the animal’s curiosity giving the scene an almost humorous note. Although the painting is executed in monochrome ink and the evergreen pine does not indicate a season, the activity of the squirrel and the insect suggest a warm season, other than winter. Squirrels do not hibernate, but leave their nests as soon as temperatures rise and the snow melts. Paintings by Song Tian are rare; the museum is thus in a fortunate position to collect one of the artist’s few extant works.
Gift from the Collection of George Gund III
?-1997(Heisondo Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan, sold to George Gund III)
1997-2015George Gund III [1937-2013] bequest to the Cleveland Museum of Art
2015-The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH
Overall: 119.7 x 66.4 公分 (47 1/8 x 26 1/8 英吋)