巴布亞新幾內亞珠母貝(kina) Neck-Ornament, Kina, in Papua New Guinea
大英博物館(The British Museum)
彎月型、打磨過的珠母貝所製成的頸飾,貝體兩端有兩穿孔,右側穿孔已破裂,下方有一較小之鑽孔替代。纖維繩穿過兩孔作為頸飾的吊帶。由大英博物館民族誌部門 Michael David Peter O'Hanlon 博士於 1986 年購入。
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彎月型、打磨過的珠母貝所製成的頸飾,貝體兩端有兩穿孔,右側穿孔已破裂,下方有一較小之鑽孔替代。纖維繩穿過兩孔作為頸飾的吊帶。由大英博物館民族誌部門 Michael David Peter O'Hanlon 博士於 1986 年購入。
Neck-ornament made of a crescent shaped piece of polished pearl-shell. The ends are perforated with large holes - the one on the right has broken and has been replaced with a smaller hole below. Fibre ties are threaded through the holes. Purchased by Dr. Michael David Peter O'Hanlon (British Museum Ethnography Department staff) in 1986.
Polished, drilled
長:14 公分;寬:16.70 公分;厚:2 公分
Height: 14 centimetres; width: 16.70 centimetres; depth: 2 centimetres
Strathern, Andrew. 1978. Tambu and Kina: 'Profit', Exploitation and Reciprocity in Two New Guinea Ex- change Systems. Mankind. Vol. 11, Issue 3, pp. 253–264.