Head of Guanyin [Kuanyin] Bodhisattva
The Walters Art Museum
This head of Guanyin [Kuanyin] has a small Amitabha Buddha in the headdress. The tip of the nose and the ends of the ear lobes are broken off.
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This head of Guanyin [Kuanyin] has a small Amitabha Buddha in the headdress. The tip of the nose and the ends of the ear lobes are broken off.
Dikran Kelekian, New York and Paris [date and mode of acquisition unknown] [as 7th century, T'ang period, from Shansi]; Henry Walters, Baltimore, 1914, by purchase; Walters Art Museum, 1931, by bequest.
高:12 1/2 英吋 (31.7 公分)