[英文]Anniversary of the TaiGovernment General, Betel Nuts
[英文]For the @10th anniversary of the Government General in Taiwan commemorative series@ there were two series issued: one (three cards) on June 17, and one (three cards) on October 15th, according to (Shih 1996, pp. 18-21). 檳榔為棕櫚科常綠喬木,原產東南亞熱帶、亞熱帶地區。果實呈長橢圓形、橙紅、深綠色,乾製後為黑褐色。目前普遍栽種於臺灣各地平野,原住民的排灣族、阿美族祭典、宴會上都需要使用檳榔。 English Translation:Areca catechu is the areca palm, originated in either Malaysia or the Philippines. The seeds are elliptical, orange and dark green. Dried seeds are dark brown. Now the plants are common all around Taiwan. Aboriginals such as Paiwan tribe and Ami tribe need it in many important occasions (NCL).
[日文]台湾総督府始政十年回記念; 台湾総督府発行; 小川一真印行