[英文]Hunting by savage Youths, Fo
[英文]According to Omi Wilang: @One week after a son was born, his disconnected umbilical cord was placed in a rattan hunting box, and the whole family went out to the hunting path with the rattan hunting box for a wishing ritual; The mother held her son and wished him to be brave hunters in the future@ (Tung 1996, p. 186).This photo was also reproduced under the @Taiwan Historical Postcards Series@ imprint, with the Japanese caption cropped off. The titles and captions on the back of the card are bilingual: @終生的猟人/The Permanent Hunter/泰雅男子一生的事業以狩猟為重, 他们自小被期望成為一個尚武勇猛的猟人/The ritual clearly indicates that the Atayal people expect their boys to be brave hunters in theirs lifetime.@
1/2 divided back 郵便はがき
9公分 x 14公分