The Second Coming of the Fifth Patriarch
Purchase from the J. H. Wade Fund
?-1938Masuda Takashi 益田孝 [1848–1938], Tokyo, Japan, by bequest to his son Masuda Taro
Masuda Taro 益田太郎 [1875-1953], Tokyo, Japan
?-1967(Setsu Gatodo Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan, sold to the Cleveland Museum of Art)
1967-The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH
Image: 32.7 x 44.6 公分 (12 7/8 x 17 9/16 英吋)
Overall: 245 x 62 公分 (96 7/16 x 24 7/16 英吋)
[印] 人言洞裡桃花源,未必人間有此枝
Artist's seal: People allude to the Grotto of the Peach Blossoms; it is not likely that such a flowering branch would exist in our world.
Yintuoluo's seal has been trimmed away with only a trace surviving. Wai-kam Ho, CMA's Senior Research Curator of Oriental and Chinese Art from 1959-1983, believed that this was the same seal that has shown up on a number of surviving fragments.
[印] 楚石
1 inscription and 1 additional seal of Chushi Fanqi 楚石梵琦 (1296-1370).
This child has no father, only a mother./
You, the Chan master, don’t need to ask when he was born./
The green pine is not yet old and the rain comes during yellow plum season./
Twice reincarnated, all just seems to be but a dream.
[seal] Chu shi