[英文]Sakaimachi Street, Taihoku
[英文]Sakaemachi Street 栄町通り is pictured often in Japanese albums and postcards as an example of Taipei$s lively atmosphere and its hospitable conditions for Japanese ex-patriots and visitors. 清治時期的衡陽路西段稱西門街、東段稱石坊街。至日治初期仍沿用其名,1910年(明治43年)臺北大水災,木造平房民宅多被摧毀,改建為歐洲文藝復興式建築,成為城內商業聚集之處。1922年(大正11年)臺北市街名改為町名,衡陽路沿線區域改為「榮町」,取其繁榮之意,也因其繁華而被喻為臺北市的銀座。 臺灣日日新報於1898年(明治31年)5月1日創立發刊,1904年(明治37)年起發行漢文版臺灣日日新報。報社初創時位於艋舺新起街,同年11月購入西門街原製藥所建築及土地,加以修繕後遷入。而後因業務發展,原建築不敷使用而於1907年(明治40年)開始改建,次年元月落成,為磚造二層樓建築。其址位於今臺北市衡陽路、中華路口,現已改建為商業大樓。(資料來源:《臺灣拓殖畫帖》臺灣拓殖畫帖刊行會,1918) 本照片是在今衡陽路、中華路口附近朝東拍攝,左側紅色建築為臺灣日日新報社。 English Translation: This picture was taken at Hengyang Road. During Qing government rule, western part of Hengyang Road was named as Western Gate Street and eastern part as Shifang Street. The names were retained until 1910$s flood in Taipei when wooden building were mostly destroyed. The street became the commercial center in the city after reconstructions. In 1922, street names in Taipei were all replaced with chō 町. Places along Hengyang Road were called Rong chō, derived from its prosperity at the time. The red building on the left is the office of Taiwan Daily Newspaper. Taiwan daily newspaper was established on January 1st, 1898. The Chinese version started publishing in 1904. The office used to locate at Xinqi Road. In november of the same year it bought the land and building of the old medicine factory on West Gate Road. Due to the business development, the original building left unused and changed in 1907 into a two-floor building, locating at Hengyang Road, now as Commercial Center (NCL 002416597).
1/2 divided back 郵便はがき
9公分 x 14公分